Chapter Four

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I know you're probably wondering, Why did she repost the chapter? Well, I didn't like how it ended, and didn't point in the way I wanted it too, so I changed it. Sorry!

Percy's POV

     I've been stuck in the cell for six years, a year for the six people I failed most. Six people died, six years of torture. I nearly sighed in relief as Hestia flashed in. I couldn't even feel there torture anymore, I guess 2,190 days of torture does that to you. She gently put the Ambrosia in my mouth and it started to melt. "You know." I croaked out. "I've been in here for six years."

       She frowned and shook her head. "No Percy, it hasn't been six years." Confusion crept onto my face as she pulled a square of Ambrosia into halves. She put it in my mouth, despite my obvious need for an explanation.

     "How long?" I asked weakly.

     "Percy, you've been down here for twenty years." She told me sadly. My eyes widened in shock.

     "R-Really?" I stammered. That was not expected. Twenty years?

     She nodded and stroked my scarred cheek in a soothing way, like she always did. "I want to leave." I whispered. Her face held so much sadness I immediately regreted bringing it up.

      "I know Percy, I know. I've been trying to prove that you're innocent but..." She shook her head sadly. I saw a single tear fall from her face and I frowned.

     "Please don't cry." I whispered. She smiled sadly at me.

      "I can't help it. You don't deserve this, I know for a fact you don't." Another tear fell. "I... I'll miss you Percy. You'll always be a son to me." I tried to ask her what she meant but she flashed away, forcing me to close my eyes to stop myself from dissolving.

     Were they going to kill me? End my life for good? Are they not satisfied with torturing me anymore? My head started to spin with all the questions I had and I felt queasy. There was another flash and I closed my eyes. "So you're going to kill me?" I asked in my freaky snake voice without opening my eyes.

       There was a sad laugh that I didn't recognize. "No young hero." It said. "Open your eyes." I cautiously opened my eyes and definitely did not see what I expected to see.

      I saw a woman that looked in her mid-thirties. She had elegant long black hair and the weirdest colored eyes. They looked like galaxies, full of blues and purples with white flecks. She wore a skin tight black full body suit thing with a black jacket and cloak. "Who are you?" I asked.

      She laughed sadly again. "I'm Chaos, creator of the universe." She told me. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement.

       "Uh... Not to be rude but why are you here?" I asked nervously.

       "To take you away. You don't deserve this life Perseus, I know that. I have an army far away, away from here, away from all your pain. You can work with us, save people all around the galaxy. Please, join me. Us." I blinked.

        "How long have you been practicing that?" I asked bluntly. She pursed her lips, trying to hide a smile.

    "A long time." She admitted. I smiled weakly.

     "Well, I guess it wasn't for nothing." I told her. She smiled broadly.

     "Let's go!" She cheered. There was a flash and I felt a twisted feeling in my gut. I appeared in a large throne room with six people I remember oh so well. I could feel my legs shaking from not standing for so long, then I crashed to the floor unconscious. 

Luke's POV

       We took the time he passed out to look at his body for scars. He was in ratty and bloody boxers with scars all over his legs, arms, chest and face. The word Apollo was branded on his left collar bone, Artemis on his right. A large X went across his chest. "He's using mist." Chaos whispered softly.

     "He is?!" Zoe yelped.

     "Yes. This isn't half of it. Whether he shows you his real side or not is his decision. Luke, what do you think about what we talked about?" She asked, looking over at me.

     "I don't want to pressure him, but he deserves it. He's much better than I'd ever be." I told her firmly.

     She nodded, glancing worriedly at Percy. He wasn't his carefree self anymore. He had decades of worry, pain and agony etched into his face. My heart clenched every time I looked at him. Hestia was right, he didn't deserve this. Then his eyes flew open and he blinked, sitting up with renewed strength. "So... What now?" He asked, eyeing all of us carefully.

      "Powers." Chaos replied simply. Percy nodded slowly and Chaos muttered something under her breath.

     Percy seemed to glow with power once Chaos was done reciting and we all gasped as his wings grew in with sickening crunches. All of ours were white, but his were black. Black enough to take the light out of the room. "What?" He asked.

     "What does that mean?" Bianca asked Chaos, whos mouth was set in a straight line.

     She was silent for a while before speaking. "Percy, your new name is Shadow. You are the commander of the army. The others will train you to their level and teach you how to use your powers. I will be in my office." She sped out of the room, leaving us all confused.

     "So... What now?" Percy, or Shadow, asked.   

     "What now?" I laughed evilly. "Training. Hours and hours of training."

Authors Note

So... Who do you want Percy to date? I know I don't really have views so probably no one will comment, but whatever!

1. Luke (Highly suggest)

2. Bianca

3. Zoe (I can't put the little dots above the 'E', stupid laptop doesn't have enough buttons!

4. God/Goddess (That doesn't even make sense, unless it's Hestia, because they tortured him. I suggest NOT.)

5. Someone from Earth, cause like every Chaos story they will return to Earth. Cliche, I know.)

6. Chaos

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