Chapter 13 (Finally)

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So so so so so sorry for not updating!!!!!!!!! I COMPLETELY forgot about this story!!!!!!! Ugh! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Percy's POV (As soon as I type that I decide I'm hungry. Dang it. I'll be right back. Back, my mom's making me eat 'healthy' so I'm back with an apple and Ritz crackers. Really mom?)

      I woke up in the infirmary with my team members staring at me worriedly. "Shadow! You're awake!" Alpha (Luke) exclaimed, crushing me in a hug.

      "Ugh." I groaned. "How long was I out?"

      Alpha pulled away with a frown. "Two days, sixteen hours, fifty four minutes and...." He paused for a few seconds. "Twenty seconds."

      "Perfect. Any more attacks?" I asked weakly, attempting to stretch my limbs.

      "No. How are you feeling?" Alpha asked. For the first time I realized everyone's masks were off.

       "Amazing. Like I took a two and a half day nap." I muttered, sitting up.

      "Wait, really? You're really feeling good?" Gama (Ethan) asked.

      "Of course. A little fainting shouldn't have gotten you that worried." I said with a yawn.

      "Dude, you were in a coma." Gold (Lee)corrected.

      "Coma? Seriously?" I groaned. "So doctors have... To, like, check me out or something?" I asked.

      "Yes Shadow. Will!" Alpha yelled, making me groan.

      "Is he up?" Will asked, pulling the curtains apart. I was about to cover my face, them remembered what happened before I passed out.

       I groaned and buried my face in my hands. "Shadow!? Are you okay?!" Alpha exclaimed worriedly.

      "Did we really... Did we really reveal ourselves?" I whispered.

       I felt the bed shift and a hand on my back. "Yeah. Yeah, we did." Alpha whispered.

       "I hate my mother." I muttered.

       "And I hate her too." Alpha agreed.

       "This wasn't easy on you either." I remembered. He laughing, somewhat bitterly.

       "It was fun after you passed out. I screamed at everyone about betraying you." Alpha said, kissing the visible part of my cheek.

       "Sounds fun. Wish I were conscious." I muttered, then we both laughed.

      And laughed. I'm not really sure why. Alpha and I laughed until our faces were purple and we were gasping for air. "Do you know... Know why we were laughing?" Alpha muttered.

      "N-No clue." I admitted, laying back down on the bed/cot thing.

      Alpha joined me, laying down next to me. I looked over at him and he looked over at me. "I love you." I muttered with a smile.

     "I love you too." He replied, giving me a quick kiss.

     "Alright, as cute as this moment is we need to make sure Shadow isn't going to melt into a puddle of goo as soon as he stands." Night (Zoe) said.

     "I am not going to melt into a puddle of goo Night." I said, rolling my eyes.

     "And I won't let him walk. I'll carry him around." Alpha added. I rolled my eyes at this too.

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