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Taylor's POV

I was 22 years old, I rub my stomach. Im 9 months pregnant and I don't know how I'm going to deal with this. I need to protect her at all costs. I'm having a baby girl and her father doesn't know that she is his, but he knows im pregnant from the media of course.

"Mom, i'm scared..." I tell her as I clutch onto my stomach and she hugs me.

"Taylor, I know you're scared. You will be fine and we will all be here to support you and Avia." She tells me as she kisses my forehead and I smile nodding.

-Day Avia is born

"And she's out!" I hear the doctor say and then I hear crying sounds and look at the baby that has just been placed onto my chest.

With tears running down my cheeks I immediately start kissing her and cradling her in my arms not believing that this is really happening. I'm officially a mother now.

"Sweetie i'm so proud of you, she's perfect!" My mom says beside me and I nod as I watch the nurses beginning to clean her. At this point I couldn't focus on anything else, but my daughter.

To be honest with you, when I first found out I was pregnant, I thought that I was still too young and wasn't ready. I was even considering on giving her up for adoption, but I knew I would regret that, so I'm having my parents raise her instead. The sad part is that she won't see me as a "mom", but as a " sister". I won't be at home enough to bond with her and that hurts knowing that.


As we all arrive in the airport, I can't help but feel really nervous. I get into my car and the driver drives straight to my parent's house.

Looking outside my window, seeing all of the familiar sights makes me so comfortable.

As were starting to get closer to the house, I take out my phone and text Austin. He sure was surprised.

"Please call me right away when you need a ride Ms. Swift." My driver tells me and I nod and watch him drive away.

I approach the door and ring the doorbell and I grab my suitcase.

"Taylor", My mom says shocked as I see her holding a sleeping Avia in her arms. My eyes start to water up as I see how big she has grown.

"My precious baby girl." I whisper as I softly rub her cheek as she sleeps and my mom looks at me concerned.

She then helps me inside and lays Avia onto the couch surrounded by pillows and blankets.

"Why didn't you text me or your dad that your were coming?" Mom asks me and I sigh.

"I texted Austin, because I didn't want you guys to feel rushed or stressed that I was coming home so quickly." I tell her and look back at Avia.

Mom nods and takes out the sippy cup that has fallen out of Avia's mouth. "How is she feeling?" I ask her concerned.

"Her fever is slowly going away, but she is having more and more meltdowns and mood swings lately. The doctors said that she should be better by next week if she keeps resting and taking her medicine." She tells me and I nod, stroking Avia's head.

Mom and I talk for awhile longer and Dad and Austin have already went up to bed. I look at the clock and it says 9:35pm. I don't know about you, but i'm so exhausted today.

"I think I'm going to go to bed. I'll take Avia to her room." I tell my mom and she nods going to her bedroom.

I carefully pick Avia up and carry her to her room. As I walk in, her room is colored light pink with little flowers on the corners. I lay her down in her floral bed and tuck her in.

I stop for awhile and I sit down on the floor next to her bed. I wonder how things would have been if the media knew. If Avia knew I was her mom.

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