Never Going Away

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Taylor's POV

I decided it was best that I leave. The way things turned out wasn't what I had hoped. I knew Avia would be scared, but I didn't want to traumatize her.

I started putting my clothes back into my suitcase, until I hear a knock on my door. I don't even bother to say anything and the door creaks open.

"T-Tay?", Avia whispers as she tightly holds onto her teddy bear.

I quickly go to her side and kneel down, wiping my baby girl's tears. "Please don't go Tay, I'm sorry", Avia pleads as more tears start running down her little face.

I quickly shake my head as I pick her up and sit down on my bed with her in my lap. I rock us back and forth for awhile, as I take everything in.

I realize that I can't just leave her here. She would think that I'm abandoning her...

"Mommy told me the story," Avia whispers as she looks at me with her big blue eyes.

"That you are really my mommy and that I should accept that." She says slightly smiling.

I squeeze her tighter and kiss her forehead. "I couldn't hide it from you anymore sweetheart. If I would've waited any longer, who knows what you would've thought of me." I tell her.


Avia helps me by handing me the clothes from my suitcase and I put them all back into my closet. I then see her skip over to my vanity and she starts looking at all of my makeup.

"Do you want me to do you makeup baby?" I ask her and she quickly nods.

I pick out the simplest things and I place her onto my chair. Doing her makeup made me realize that she's growing up so fast right in front of my eyes.

She giggles as I then apply a little lip gloss and she puckers her little perfect lips, coping me.

I take out my phone and take a picture if her and then I take a quick selfie of both of us to set as my lockscreen.

I feel small hands on my face and I look up from my phone. "I love you so much Tay, please don't go away for along time again." She pleads as she holds my face in her hands.

I place my hands over hers, "I'm never going away for along time anymore darling."

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