New Neighbors

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Jamie's POV

(younger version)

I was just sitting on the kitchen table coloring a drawing of flowers for my mom when she came home from work. My mom isn't always home. Sometimes I'm either left alone or I'm with my big brother who doesn't really bother watching what I do because he's always on his video game thing. Sometimes I just dont understand teenagers and soon I'll become one.

I decided to watch some television for awhile but I grew bored after the first one or two minutes. I went to my brothers room to see if he wanted to play something with me. "Joey." I said walking into his room but he didn't respond. I yelled again hoping he heard me but no luck. Sometimes I just want to slap that boy in the face. I didn't bother yelling for his name again and left the room with a frown.

As I walked to the hallway, I heard a noise by the door and ran hoping it was mommy.  I was correct. My mom opened the door nd ib hugged her hello. I wondered what took her so long at work today. "Jamie, I have a big surprise for you." I heard my mom say but I was too busy thinking about the surprise. "What is it mommy?" I said as she carried me out the door.

I didn't really see anything but a big truck with a lot of furniture. I was wondering what my big surprise was but I saw a lady I haven't particularly seen before come towards my mom and I.

"Oh hello, hello you must be our neighbor Julie right?" the strange lady asked my mom. "Yes and you must be Heather our new neighbor,  correct? " my mom asked my mom but I was still confused because I didn't even see my surprise. "And this beautiful little girl must be Jamie." the lady said waving hello to me but my cheeks began to turn red.

"Jamie, this is your surprise" I heard my mom say but I didn't quite understand what she meant by surprise. "Harry,  come meet our new neighbors" the lady said as a young boy quite my age started to walk towards us.

"Jaime this is my son Harry,  Harry this is our neighbors daughter Jaime." the lady said introducing us to each other. Me and him just starred at each other for quite a few seconds then he decided to shake my hand.

"You two go on and play, we'll be here in the house" my mom said as I agreed to her command. "Harry, you be nice to her ok." the lady said to the boy but just gave a nod.

"Come on, lets play" I said to Harry as he followed me to the swing set. Harry didn't really seem that happy to see me, maybe he had a depressing childhood back where he used to live or something.

"So where did you move here from?" I asked Harry. He stayed quite for a minute or two then finally answered. "London" he finally spoke. "That's cool. I've always wanted to go to London, sorta" I said as I giggled but Harry kept quiet.

"Whats wrong with you?  Why are you so quiet and dim?" I said with a low tone but just turned away. "My dad died a few weeks ago. He was in the army. I feel like I lost someone most important to me. My dad and I would do  everything together and now he's gone. I'll be forever alone." he said as he startes to show small tears. I felt bad for him. He really needs someone to Carr for him. And I'll gladly be that person.

"Your not alone Harry, you have me. We could best friends" I said to him as he started to stare at me. "Really?" I questioned. I started to hold his hand and said "Yes." He smiled at me bringing out his gorgeous emerald eyes and showing his little side dimple. For hours Harry and I have been taking turns pushing each other on the swing set and both our mom's came outside watching us laughing and smiling.

"Harry its time to go home. Its getting late" his mom said as we both started to frown. i walked him to his house as my mom watching and saying how cute we were. I don't understand mothers and their obsession with their children.

"Bye Harry. Best Friends Forever" I yelled across the street.

"Best Friends Forever" he yelled back and I ran inside my house to eat dinner and shower right after but of course my brother ate his food in his room rather than with my mommy and I.

I was fully tucked into bed with my favorite stuffed minion. My mom kissed me goodnight and left, leaving the blue night light on. I have a feeling that Harry and I are going to be best friends forever.

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