chapter 17

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It had been three days since Neru's fight with Haku. She had spent each night at Miku's house, grateful for such a friend. There was only one day until her mom was released. One more day until her life returned to normal. One more day until her article for work was due.

Neru didn't know what she would even write. Miku was completely sweet and caring to her friends. Even to someone she had gotten yelled at a week prior. All of her friends were kind as well, especially Kaito. She hadn't yet had the chance to meet either Kagamine, but she had poured all of her free into listening to Len's songs.

Of all the groups to be apart of, this one was pretty good... If only she had chosen them in the beginning instead of those traitors. She trusted them and they betrayed her. They deserved what she said... And yet, she couldn't help but feel like she had gone overboard. That feeling only worsened as she answered Dell's call.

"Miku-chan, I need a favor."


"Yowane-san is in the hospital. I need a ride."

"Anything but that."

"What? Why?"

"I'm not going to give you a ride to see her."

"You're being silly, Miku-chan. I have to go visit her. All I'm asking for is a ride."

Miku shook her head, sticking to her original answer. She wasn't going to give Neru a ride. Neru began yelling at her, "At least tell me why!"

"You aren't even friends with her, Neru-chan. Why do you care so much?"

"We'll I'm still going to visit her. It's the right thing to do."

"You were just about to punch her a few days ago. You're being ridiculous."

Both girls were getting fairly annoyed. Neru's hands were in fists, what the hell was Miku's problem? She had been so understanding up until this point. Why was she being stubborn about this of all things?

"Well, I'd punch you right now if I didn't have to get going," Neru said through gritted teeth.

"Neru-chan, wait."

Neru didn't wait. She flung the front door open and didn't bother to even slam it shut. She ran down the road. Turns out that running down the roads at night when she had just moved there was a great idea. Neru only got lost three times.

When she finally found the building, her feet carried her in through the front door. She paused to catch her breath. Dell was waiting for her and they booth stood in awkward silence until Neru said, "I... I'm so sorry."

She couldn't meet his eyes, but that didn't end up mattering. He hugged her tightly, glad that she had even showed up. He was sure she would still be angry. He was sure that he had lost her forever, both her and Haku.

"Where is she?" Neru asked softly.

He led her to Haku's room. She was sitting up in bed chatting happily with two people Neru didn't have much interaction with. One of them stood up as soon as they entered, he had red hair.

"Relax Akaito-"

"Like hell! She's the reason why Haku-chan is in here!"

"Akita-san?" Haku spoke softly, noticing who had just walked in.

"I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were here."

"I'm being sent home tonight. You didn't need to come."

"Yes, I did. I... I didn't mean what I said."

This brought a smile to Haku's face before remembering what their fight had been about. "You're still planning to move in with her, aren't you?"

"Let's not talk about this."

"No, Akita-san. I-I understand that I can't change your mind but I want you to know that you can stay with us whenever you need to."

"You dummy," Neru said with a small smile, "don't you know that my friends call me Neru?"

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