Moving Forward

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10 years later:

Here I am today, now 26 years old teaching at the school where I started from.

I'm an English teacher and I also teach Dancing half of my time of the day.

Whenever my students leave the classroom to go to lunch, I get up from my desk and walk around the empty hallways and just look around.
Thinking that this is where I met and was learning from the man who was my teacher, that I was in love with not that long ago.

Dante maybe gone, but I still have one thing left from him before he left.
And that's our son; Noah. Noah is now, 10 years old and is in Elementary school which is not from from where I'm teaching.

I don't regret for what happened 10 years ago, I loved to help others when people don't see that person of needing any help.
Dante was lost until, I helped him find happiness before he was gone.
I will always miss him and every time that I'll see my son; I will see Dante cause he is part of him.

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