Episode 8 - Girl Meets World of Terror 5

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"Hello, my name is Auggie "Doggie" Matthews, and Welcome to another Scary Time Theater," he says as he sits behind a microphone, the room glittering from the lights hitting the golden background. "What if you found yourself in a whole new world, and not everything is what it seemed to be before. As a storm rages through your home, and takes you away, I too shall take you away to this tale of terror, beware sometimes the truth is hidden behind something as simple as a dark curtain."

It was Halloween and Riley decided to dress like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, so that when she went with Auggie and Ava on their trick or treating she could also take Artemis with her. Everything changed when on the morning of Halloween, it was storming outside, her mother had taken Auggie to school early because the school play was going on for a test run during school hours and he had to be there, but Riley was stuck at home in full costume because the storm had grown since they had left.

"Oh Artemis, I'm so sorry I couldn't take you trick or treating," she said petting her dog as she watched the storm rage on outside the living room bay window.

She had fallen asleep watching the rain pour down onto the city soaking every inch of the asphalt, Artemis fast asleep on her lap.

The sound of a branch breaking the window caused her to jump, grabbing the small pup and rushing towards the couch so that she could call her parents to tell her what had happened. Just as she grabbed the house phone the power went out and Artemis let out a bark. The phone was dead when she put it to her ear so she reached into her pocket and turned on her cell but there was no signal. She knew this wasn't good but it was hard to think when you had to find a safe place during a storm. As she tried to get away from the living room and move towards the kitchen something came in through the broken window and she tried to duck but she hadn't been fast enough and it had hit her on the head leaving her on the floor passed out with Artemis frantically running around her barking.


"Sometimes when you fall asleep during a storm, the world around you may change, and you may not be where you once were," Auggie said from behind his curtain.

"Why are you talking in riddles?" Doy said to him.

"Not now Doy, I'm trying to narrate this story," Auggie said just before Doy smiled and walked away dressed like a monkey.

"What will happen to Riley when she finds herself in a new world? Stay tuned and find out."


"Wake up," someone's soft voice said. "Wake up," the person nudged Riley and when she opened her eyes she was looking at a beautiful blonde woman wearing a large crown and a short fluffy pink dress.

"Oh look she's awake," someone else said.

Riley looked around her and saw her classmates dressed in all kinds of clothes but they were in the gym at John Quincy, her old middle school, and her classmates looked a lot younger than they did now.

"You've slayed the evil witch by landing on her so these are now yours," younger Yogi said while handing her a pair of glittering red converse shoes from a person who was now crushed under her couch from the living room.

'How odd,' she thought to herself.

"You must go on a journey my friend," the voice from earlier said. Now that her eyes were focused Riley could see Maya standing there wearing that pink dress, the crown tilted slightly on her head, as the jewels glittered under the lights of the gym.

"If you wish to go home again, you must follow the purple linoleum floor to the wizard and have him grant you the wish of going back home," Maya said to her. "You've killed Missy the Wicked Witch and freed these people from her reign, so now we give you her shoes, in hopes that they would carry you onward in your journey."

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