Episode 7 - Girl Meets the Geniuses

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A/N: I referenced an article in the story, this is it, I figured I should use it https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-practice/201304/the-science-intimate-relationships

There were three things that Farkle Minkus was certain of, and one of those things confused him a lot of the time. First was that he was a genius, he's been tested he knows that he's a genius. Second is that he wants to work hard to change the world, although he wouldn't mind being president since he can't take over the world anymore. The third one is that he is truly in love with Isadora Smackle, and for some reason even after all of this time it still confounds him how much he truly cares for another human being. He knows this will change as he grows up, and starts a family, and although him and Smackle don't have a perfect relationship, in his eyes he couldn't be happier.

Science cannot explain love so instead he sits at the bay window with his two childhood best friends as he tries to come up with a way to give Smackle a present for their fourth anniversary. Riley and Maya have always supported him, even when he was a small awkward genius who wore turtlenecks and attempted to flirt with them. They all had their own problems and have lived with them as they've grown, they help one another, because in the end they're the family he never truly had. They were his sisters in a way, he loved his parents but sometimes growing up in a huge penthouse apartment was lonely without anyone to share it with.

"So Farkle," Maya started. "You and Smackle... four years... you're practically married at this point."

"No I'm not," his voice squeaked as he said it.

"Don't listen to Maya and just tell us what you need our help with," Riley said as Maya made kissy noises at Farkle. "Maya stop that."

"Fine but you're taking all the fun out of this, I always thought that Farkle was going to chase us to the ends of the world," Maya said smiling. "It was cute, but honestly I like how you and Smackle are so proceed."

He took a deep breath and found himself straightening his posture. "Well it is about my anniversary, I need some ideas, last year was hard enough but I liked it, so maybe help me figure out where I should start."

"Okay," Riley said smiling. "We should start with small things, what have you and Smackle done together? What makes you both happy?"

Farkle sat there and thought about the last four years, "Okay," he said before telling them the story.

It was something that he didn't really think about until that moment, but when they had started dating they had joined a science club that mixed several of the top students throughout the city. It was the first time they had become lab partners, before high school they hadn't had any classes together so working towards the same goal was nice. Smackle had been very awkward with him at first, she liked him but she was still wary of physical touches and often shied away from his touch. They only held hands at first, it was small touches nothing more. He wanted to gain her trust and not scare her away.

What had happened just weeks before Riley's New Year's party had them getting closer for the first time. They were working on an experiment, with some high toxic chemicals, and two of them had reacted badly forcing Farkle to pull Smackle behind a table while holding her close. It was the first time they had had real full body contact.

"So what happened?" Maya said looking at him hopefully.

"Well..." he said before continuing the story.

The chemicals hadn't exploded, thankfully, but they were in each other's arms, and all Farkle wanted to do was kiss Smackle, his first real kiss with her. Instead he had pulled back and cleared his throat.

"Oh come on," Maya screamed out.

"Maya," Riley hissed.

"But... they should have kissed."

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