Episode 11 - Girl Meets the SAT's

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The SAT's were less than a week away and they had just taken their second practice test, Riley felt good about her work until she had received her score and saw that she had only received an 850.

"What does this mean," she said to herself as she sat down in the classroom. Everyone else had left for the day but she couldn't move from that spot.

In the end she walked to the café and sat down with her friends remembering the last time she had gotten such a low score. Everyone was talking about their grades, and when they turned towards her she felt like crying. Instead she stood up and walked out of the room and towards her mother's office in the back and sat down locking the door before anyone could follow.

"Does anyone know what's wrong with Riley?" Maya said as she watched Riley walk away, Lucas following her but not saying a word.

"Maybe it has something to do with this?" Farkle said picking up a paper. "It says her practice score was 850."

"That can't be right she's been studying like crazy, her mom helps her every night," Maya said as she looked at the paper.

"Riley's pretty smart too so this doesn't make any sense," Zay said looking around to see if Lucas was bringing Riley back, but the two of them hadn't made it back yet.

"Is there anything we can do?" Smackle asked looking around.

"Depends on whether we can get someone to give us Riley's test so we can check it ourselves," Farkle said looking over at their teacher.

"You think Matthews would let us see it?" Maya said looking at the paper.

"It never hurts to try," Zay motioned for them to move towards their teacher.

Mr. Matthews was sitting in a booth with his youngest, and the superintendent of schools who also happened to be a family friend. Maya took the test and walked over there leaving the group behind.

"Matthews," she said as she sat down in front of him. "We need to see Riley's practice test, like yesterday."

"Uh Maya," Mr. Matthews said to her. Even though he was now technically family because Shawn was her father didn't mean that she wasn't going to stop stepping on his toes if something was seriously wrong.

Farkle stood at the end of the booth next to Maya and looked at their teacher. "Mr. Matthews something's not right, Riley's score shouldn't be an 850 she's been studying every week, her last score was a 1125."

"What do you mean an 850?" he said taking the paper from Maya. He looked at it cautiously before pulling out the stacks of papers from his students. "I graded hers and to make sure I wasn't bias I had someone else regrade it. The score she got wasn't this one, we triple checked it because it was the third highest score below Farkle and Smackle."

"Let me see the paper," Mr. Turner said taking the sheet away from Mr. Matthews. "Could it be that the scores got switched somehow? The machine could be faulty."

Mr. Matthews pulled out Riley's answer sheet and the test answer grid and looked it over, with Farkle looking over him. Maya didn't understand what they were looking at but she noticed the numbers on the sheet.

"Hey the numbers don't match," she said looking at the paper Riley had dropped. "These are the id numbers right?"

Mr. Matthews took the paper and looked at it. "How did the numbers get mixed up?"

"Who's numbers are these?" Mr. Turner asked. "It looks like something on her was smudged on Riley's answer grid. "Give me the identification numbers of all the student's in the class that took the test."

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