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Tyler dashes around the backyard trying to avoid obstacles. His tree house, the sandbox, our cat, and me.

"Try and catch me Sage!" He exclaims.

I set my book down and chase him around the yard nearly trampling Spots, our fat tom cat. He giggles and jumps on me pulling at my limp auburn hair.

"Ty stop that!" I laugh trying to scold him.

"Show me the tattoo, show me the tattoo!" he says pulling at the collar of my peach Polo. I smile and nod, pulling my shirt down slightly revealing Tyler written in bold black ink. I'm not sure what compelled me to get a tattoo I was never crazy about them. But something about so much uncertainty on this world prompted a teenage crisis for me.

"Remember don't tell mom, cross your heart." I say making a small "X" over my heart where the tattoo is placed, he does the same giving me a toothy grin.

"Sage, Tyler inside, dinners ready. I made pot roast!" my mothers voice floats into the late summer night.

I walk back to the tree I was previously reading at, Ty runs to pick up his toys scattered around everywhere. He is the most energetic ten year old I have ever seen. He springs and tosses model airplanes he made with my dad before he passed last April. Its August now and Ty seems to be holding up well. My mother on the other hand can barely put on a fake smile for us. He died serving in World War III. He was drafted so soon. The United States had to draft so many men. We were losing. Badly. All the countries have gone back to the ways of the old wars. Tear gas, pipe bombs and killing innocent civilians. Not only is the war, but something is killing the young and old. A disease no one can give answers to. Leaving a small bracket of eighteen to thirty year old's. There is an unspoken rule when someone dies. Don't call 911, don't go to the hospital, don't arrange a funeral, and don't mourn. Just survive. Our town has been blessed. Deaths of more solders that children but the numbers are starting to even our. More children are passing and the fear in every parents eyes is mirrored throughout town.

"Saggggg-" I hear a weak whimper. Turning I see a very pale baby brother gasping for breath. He's laying on the oak deck by our screen door.

"MOM!!!" I scream and run up the steps to Ty.

"Its okay Ty, I'm here. Its okay." I try and gush as tears drift down my face. My mother appears at the back door, she looks down at me with Ty laying across my arms on our deck. Slowly the last breath escapes Ty's lungs and I feel his heart stopping.

"No, no, no" I whisper shaking Ty.

"Wake up Ty, this isn't happening. No, please Ty, please." I practically scream. Glancing at my mother she is pale as a ghost. She makes no move towards Ty or I. She just stands there in shock.

"Do something" I seethe although I know my mother has no power over this disease she is as helpless as Ty in this situation. Watching her baby die in her oldest child's arms.

"It takes the young" she says in a ghastly tone.

She steps back in a complete morbid trance. Only a few moments later I hear a gunshot. I don't bother looking for my mother. I know what I'll find. I place Tyler in his bed and tuck him in with his favorite stuffed bear under his arm Placing a kiss on his temple I leave the cold room. Grabbing money, my belongings, and the cars keys o ly stopping to nab my mothers wedding band she left on the counter while she cooked dinner. I leave behind my dead family and the only home I've ever known. And into a world that is only filled with unknown.

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