Unexpected turn of events

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     They are charging at each other and there's a split second where the time seems to freeze. Kakashi's chidori is sparkling in slow motion while Obito's eyes are dilating in anticipation. Obito has been preparing himself for this fatal blow since the begining of their fight. With confidence, Obito aims his black rod for a non-lethal wound, not intending to hurt his old friend too bad. He probably doesn't deserve the right to consider Kakashi his friend anymore, but a deep part of himself still do. Even after all these years appart, Kakashi still occupy an important place in his memories, in his good memories. The ones that keeps him going. The ones that forces him to take that decision, to destroy the seal on his heart and complete his goal for the world.

     The black rod poked at Kakashi's vest, the chidori tickled his chest and suddenly, nothing. Hatake Kakashi vanished in a puff of smoke, throwing Obito forward in his rush. The Uchiha indignantly crashed on the cold ground. His weapon twirled away from his hand to fall into the void, down the edge of the bluish cube of Kamui.

     Obito didn't get the time to process what happened when a crushing weight fell on his back, hard. Pinned to the floor, his arms gets locked behind his back, and he snarls.

     He's been fooled by a fucking clone! How did this happen? Kakashi seemed hell bent to end it there, what is it that he did wrong to not see this coming?

     "You had an opportunity to kill me, Kakashi! Why didn't you take it?" The Uchiha snarled with rage, desperation a bit too evident in his voice. This opportunity is still there and Obito can't stop the panic that's begining to rise at the thought of it. Kakashi could kill him in a way that wasn't planned, it would bring all his 17 years of work to a brutal and fruitless end. He can't let this happen.

     "Because this is what you want and I wont let you have it. Im not an idiot, Obito, I've noticed. You've been trying to get me to stab your heart since your mask broke, or is it since the real Madara appeared?" Kakashi may have been in shock of seeing his old friend — his hero — come out alive and on the opposite side of the battlefield. But Kakashi isn't called a genius for nothing.

     He analysed everything, the way his old friend acted, the emotional manipulation Obito has been subjecting on him, it clearly had this goal. Self destructive, indeed, but Kakashi thinks there might be an ulterior motive other than simply killing himself. why would Obito do that after all these years of preparation for this twisted plan of his? He sure didn't seem to regret it, nor did he seem to have had any change of heart.

     Kakashi kept an iron grip on Obito's wrists and when Obito twisted to meet his eyes, his heart sank to his feet. His old friend's eyes gleams with rage and a desperation Kakashi didn't think he'll see. This is the picture of a broken man who's scared to lose everything they worked for, and Kakashi doesn't know what to think of it. This is bringing back his previous questions. Why would Obito want to get stabbed in the heart if he looked so broken to the curent risk of dying? "I won't kill you, Obito..."

     "Why?" Obito didn't understand. Why would Kakashi let him live? Why would he let Obito destroy this world that he's fighting so hard to protect? Obito miscalculated his old friend's intents, he was certain to succeed and destroy the seal on his heart. Now he needs to change his plans, as it seem. He can't go back to the battlefield now, not with Madara there. The risk of Madara activating his jutsu and force Obito to use Rinne Tensei is too high. Plus, it's getting late. Obito needs to become the Juubi's jinchuriki soon or the plan will fail. He won't accept another failure, he can't. He can't fail. He can't —

     "It's because I love you, Obito. I always have..." Kakashi murmured, losening his grip on Obito's wrists to give his teammate a bit more liberty. The confession feels heavy on his heart, but it's the truth, Kakashi doesn't care what the outcome will be. It's been a long time since he wanted to say these words, now might be his only opportunity. He never brought himself to say it to a grave, it's useless to tell your feelings to a dead person. And as heavy as the confession might be in his chest, it feels lighter than if he had kept it to himself. Plus, madman or not, Kakashi still loves Obito, he understands his choices. He understands than unlike him, Obito might not have had anyone to bring him back on the right track.

     At this moment, Kakashi can see the war going on in Obito's head through his eyes. The Uchiha clearly needs some time to process the information. It's almost sad to see someone react so baffled at a love confession. Even though Kakashi is not expecting any reciprocation, his heartbeat still accelerates the moment Obito open his mouth to speak up. it's but a faint whisper, but Kakashi leans in, making sure he hears everything.

     "I.. It's for people like you im doing this, Kakashi.. let me make you, make everyone happy..." His voice is strained, weak. A few words are stucked in his throat — No, not stucked — He's holding them. They shouldn't exist in this world....

     Obito is staring in the void, his arms now free and slack on both sides of his body. He's exhausted, lost, confused and frustrated. Something in his heart sparked at Kakashi's confession. He wish it didn't.

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