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The moon is ascending, time goes by and yet, nothing seem to show any progress. The alliance is still fighting to immobilize the Juubi without much success, Hashirama's clones are long gone and Madara has nothing else to do but wait, like always. He had planned to fight Hashirama before becoming the Juubi's jinchuriki, but seeing as the moon already entered it's penumbral stage, Madara can't afford to waste any more time. Obito is Madara's only chance to fully resurrect, and he's taking forever in that dimension of his. What is this boy doing?

A sudden ripple in the atmosphere, a visible twist of reality. Madara shifts his attention from the battlefield to that zone on top of the Juubi and smirks. Finally. Perking up, Madara moves to cross his legs and watch as not one, but two chakra signatures emerges from thin air. 'Hn, seems like he's not done with Hatake. I can let him have that.' If it's not too long, of course.

However, with further observation, the situation between these two appears too peaceful for Madara's liking. In fact, Obito's strange walk along with the Hatake's lazy posture spoke volume of something that made Madara's left eye twitch. Fornicating with the enemy, how pathetic. Madara is utterly disgusted and disappointed in the apprentice he thought would never indulge in any of these stupidities during such an important event. An event said man spent his life organising, and for what? For this? For what seems to be a sudden change of heart caused by sexual intercourse with an old teammate? A teammate of the same sex at that, perhaps Madara didn't kill the good one back then.

With a frown, Madara lifted his hand into a seal. 'You made a grave mistake, boy. It's time for you to give what you owe me.'


There is a pleasant thrill of aftermath in his abdomen, one that makes Obito wants to curl up in a comfy bed and cuddle, if only he could ignore it. Each step is literally a pain in the ass, and that hot stickiness dripping down his legs... If only he could ignore that too. If only his heart could stop fluttering every time he glanced at Kakashi. He fucked up, it's clear, he's running out of time and that seal is still on his heart. What alternatives are there? What should he do now?

Now that they are back on the battlefield, Obito grimaces and looks down on the alliance, thinking. Or trying to, because all that comes to his mind is his and Kakashi's previous activity. He can't give up now, can he? He worked his whole life for this...

Did he... Fail? Swallowing a lump in his throat, Obito turns to look at Kakashi. His rib cage aches with something he can't quite pin point, it burns all the way up to his neck, it tastes like regrets.

"So, what now?" Kakashi asks, all silliness from a minute ago gone and replaced by this deadly analytical mind that made him known as a genius in all five shinobi nations.

Obito opened his mouth, closed it, frowned. What now? Something feels wrong. Suddenly, a sharp pain exploded through his core, millions of needles piercing his heart from the inside. Falling to his knees, Obito clutched his chest, wide eyed and wheezing. Black rods shot out from his right arm in a similar way his mokuton does to his enemies chest when he kills. Bloody and cruel. His vision is darkening, no, something is taking over and all he can do is scream as he forces his hands apart. Do not make the seals, he shall not make the seals! He won't resurect Madara, he won't! He can't give it up, not after everything. If he gave his whole life for this, it's certainly not to end up as a pawn to be sacrificed.

A soft breeze of autumn make his way through the Juubi's thick and powerful chakra surrounding them to blow on his trembling form. His lungs burns, everything burns, it's nothing that this little breeze can appease and yet, something in him comes back to life. The memory of Rin's happy smile flashes in his mind, the name of a bastard slips from his lips. The picture of a team, a family, his family. A single tear drips down his cheek and suddenly, a new form of determination takes over him. He won't let anyone suffer what his team suffered.

Baring his teeth, Obito opens his rinnegan eye and shouts. The rods that were protruding from his arm shots out and comes flying around him, one only missing Kakashi's neck by an inch. His body shakes as he pushes his chakra against Madara's control, against black zetsu's second half who seems to have been dormant inside his body for years, waiting for this moment. He's not a puppet, he chose his path by himself, intended to become the Juubi's jinchuriki and bring peace over the world by himself. The only person who have any rights over him is himself.

The moment Obito feels Madara's control weakens, a twisted smile stretches his lips. He can do this. Looking down to his own hands, he shakily begins to inch them closer, preparing himself to make his own handsigns. Though, before his fingers could even touch, the world spins and he's suddenly on his back, Kakashi pinning his hands to the ground on each side of his head. Obito rages.

Kakashi saw it all, with the sharingan. He saw the sudden fight between Obito's chakra and a foreign one and knew better than to interfere. Staying there and watch as his friend struggled against whatever it was that tried to gain control wasn't easy, but Kakashi was confident, Obito would win. And he did. The smile his friend showed afterward though, it was all but reassuring. They are still enemies and Kakashi knew better than to let him take over the situation. For whatever jutsu Obito intended to use, it is in Kakashi's duty to stop him, and it is not with another jutsu that he will.

The way Obito stared up at him now, with dilated eyes and a rage Kakashi never saw him display before, it stucked the air in his chest and caused his hair to prickle at the back of his neck. This is dangerous, Obito is dangerous, their previous encounter doesn't seem to have changed much like Kakashi hoped it would. It makes Kakashi realise that Obito needs more than this love confession and this session of sex to have a change of heart. Because yes, a change of heart is possible, Kakashi saw it. He saw the hesitation Obito displayed at moments, he knows he cracked something, he just needs to break it completely.

Obito jerks in his hold, and suddenly, a whoosh of air freezes them both in place. There's a flash of yellow, two kunais plants themselves in Obito's palms and seals scribbles out around them to keep him from moving. The Uchiha mutters some profanities and snarles in pain. Kakashi lets out a relieved breath before speaking.

"Sensei... It's been a while."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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