The First Date

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This was the day he really wanted to last forever. He was gonna be with the girl whom he really liked or loved so to say. He got up really early and I mean early.

"4:30AM" He said as he fought back his sleepiness in order to get up. He emerged victorious and prepared the clothes he's gonna use on his very first date. He then got his saved money for the date he was gonna get. After that, he was cooking their breakfast while trying ways to get the stuttering out of his system. Having a 50-50 success rate, he let out a sigh and decides to go with the flow. After making the breakfast, he set the table and woke his mom up and had their breakfast.

Tsuyu on the other hand, just woke up as her mother called for breakfast. Knowing that it was the day of her date, she sprang out of her bed and went downstairs to have their breakfast.

Both families had their breakfast as Inko went to work, leaving Izuku alone in his debate of choosing his clothes that he prepared. Knowing his personality, he made lots of suggestions that he still was thinking what to pick.

On the flipside, her parents had day offs, giving her a bit of relief that she can ask for her mom's opinions in choosing her wardrobe for the date. And luckily, her mother helped. Finalizing the clothes she's going to wear, she decided to wear a shot-sleeved white whole dress with the bottom lined up above her knees.

"Okay, it's final!" Izuku said to himself as he chose a white long sleeve polo, a black vest, black pants, and a pair of black shoes. Almost mistaking him for a butler. He then left his house and went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of roses, wrapped in green covers. After that he then went to the train station and got himself a train to Tsuyu's house. He really got the attentions of the people around him, mostly the girls. The girls that saw him blushed from the sight of him was quite - No scratch that... Seductive figure, making them daydream in their minds.

As Izuku noticed this, he then suddenly turned red at how many girls were looking at him without even blinking. The effects on the girls were amplified, tenfold. Some guys glared with jealousy. Making his escape, he luckily made it out unscathed and was now currently standing at the front door of the Asui household.

The seconds pass, pressure increased as he was like being crushed harder each second. He began to see the door towering above him. After mustering up some courage, he gave a knock. The seconds passed, the door opened revealing a shocked mother.

"I-Izuku dear! What's with that look?" She asked as she was looking at the boy. "I-I-Is it bad?" "N-no! I'm sure she will like this!" She exclaimed as she smirked deviously while the boy stood there blushing while he tried to cover his face with the flowers he bought.

"Mom. Who's there?" A voice coming from the living room said as Izuku was brought back to his senses. "It's Izuku dear! He came to pick you up! And my, he is a sight to behold!" Beru replied as Tsuyu got flustered but soon went to meet up with the two. "Hi Tsuyu-chan!" Izuku said as he waved at her using his free hand which she happily waved back. "Hello Izu-" She was cut off when she noticed his attractive appearance. 'Was he this handsome!?' She screamed in her head as she was blushing madly at his sight. 'Man! It really did the job! Thanks mom!' He thought as he mentally thanked his mom for her advices for his date.

"Tsuyu dear?" Beru asked as she tapped her shoulder, making her stop her internal screaming. "Y-yes mom?" "Izuku came to pick you up." She said as she then remembered the date just now. "Thanks mom." She said as she took over as Beru left the two alone. "Oh! I brought these!" He said as he gave the flowers to her. "What's this for?" She asked confused. "The prettiest flowers for the prettiest lady of course!" He said as Tsuyu was completely blushing at him trying to act sweet. 'Yes! It worked!' He thought as he thanked his mom again. "T-thanks Izuku. I'll set this up okay?" "Sure take your time!" He said as the blushing girl went back to set the flowers.

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