Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Blake POV.

“Since you don’t want to introduce yourself, I guess that you won’t mind if I ask you some questions?” Mr. Smith asked me raising his eyebrow.

“ Why would I?” I said to him with my sarcastic voice.

“Well ok then, please tell me Shakespeare most famous plays?”

And he had to ask about Shakespeare, a writer I had no idea of. I may have heard it before in my old school, but never paid enough attention to know what his stories were. Why couldn’t he ask who the creator of “Call of Duty” of “Diabolo 3” was, I’m sure I would have given him a right answer.

I had to improvise something, so I began talking “William Shakespeare was a famous writer back in his days, and he wrote… umm… you know all those famous books chicks love.” I said looking at him .

“No, I don’t know, please tell me what those famous plays are?”

Suddenly I heard  a voice telling me the answer. I turned around to see that the one helping me out was the girl I just made fun of.

“…Romeo and Juliet, Othello…” she managed to say in a low voice.

“…Romeo and Juliet, Othello…” I repeated after her.

“…Macbeth, Twelfth Night…”

“…Macbeth, Twelfth Night…” I repeated what she said one more time.

“Ok, you can sit now, but remember miss Evans won’t be always next to you.” He told me looking at the girl, who’s last name was clearly Evans.

I looked at her and saw her cheeks slightly turning red. She was rather shy.

“Now” the professor stared talking again “Can you Emma explain, what does Hamlet implies in his epilogue?”

The girl name was Emma, Emma Evans.

She stood up, and slowly started talking about what the professor asked her. She was confident in herself, she knew exactly what she was talking about. It looked like she liked this subject, because she talked full of passion. Heck, she looked like sheliked every possible subject. She must be one of the school nerds, a hot nerdy girl, I must admit.


The bell rang and I saw her leaving the class. I had to go to her and thank her for helping me before. I never run after girl, they came after me, but for some unknown reasons I found this girl different and wanted to know more about her.

“Hey Blake, wait for us man.” said Brad coming toward me.

“Just a sec man, be right back, just forgot a book in my locker.” I tried to sound convincing, but I myself couldn’t believe what I was saying.

“Since when have you started taking books in class?” I heard him saying sounding totally surprised. Not to blame.My excuse was lame.

“Later man” I shoved him off and made my way to the hall to find Emma. The hall was full of students, and I quickly scanned the hall, to find her, which was easy as she was the only girl with her hair into a ponytail .

“Hey Emma, wait up” I found myself screaming. She turned around, clearly surprised to see me,

“Can I help you with anything” she asked me politely, with a sweet doubting voice.

“ I just wanted to say thanks, you know… for helping me out earlier” I said, giving her one of my sexiest smiles ever. But she didn’t seem impressed at all. Other girls would have fainted, but not she, she was still holding up. “ And well…”damn apologizing was harder than I ever thought “ I’m sorry about earlier in class, I was just…” but she cut me off before I even finished what I had to say.

“No it’s not a problem. Actually I should be the one apologizing. I had no rights to speak to you like that” she said giving me a warm smile. “So I guess I am sorry. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to class.” she said before turning to the other direction and making her way to class. And  I just stood there gazing at her.


Emma POV

It never crossed my mind that he would actually came after me apologizing for what i did before.It wasn’t even a big deal, I was just trying to help him out. I never thought he was that type of guy, you know, apologizing and duing stuff like that.

I quickly made my way to class. We had math this hour and like always I was the first one in class. I sat down, looking over the last hour notes. Soon the students came in and I noticed that he was in the same class as I was.

Our eyes met together, which made my heartbeats accelerate. I tried to avoid his beautiful hazel eyes by immediately looking in another direction, feeling my cheeks slowly turning red. What was going on with me?

I saw him walking right next to me, and making his way at the end of the class where he was going to sit. I tried hard not to turn around, looking at him.

As soon as the professor came in and started explaining the lesson, I totally forgot about him and paying my whole attention to what the professor was saying.

I found out later that we were in the same physic, advanced math and biology class. He always sat in the end of the class, not paying attention to what the teachers were saying.

What really intrigued me was the fact that he was rather smart. Even though he didn’t paid attention to the class, he always had the right answer for the exercises the professor asked, even for the really hard ones. I should consider him a strong rival.


Finally 5'th period was over, and I headed to the cafeteria to eat lunch. I was starving and running like crazy through the empty halls. I needed food in my system and quick. And that was when I bumped into someone or something really hard. I lost control and felt down, hurting my leg. But when I looked up I couldn’t believe who was standing in front of me…

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