Chapter 2

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After the car incident I hopped into my own car and started the ignition.  My car was a baby blue color, my friend Emmett had helped me paint it after we fixed it up, while we were fixing up my car I had helped him look for bike parts and we made him a motercycle.  He acts like it's his baby and cares for it with his life.  I'm not sure of what he loves more than that bike.  And speaking of his bike the one that just passed infront of me looked very familar.  I drove up to it and rolled down my window once we had reached a light.

He glanced in my direction, I guess I was waving stupidly because he gave me a goofy smile.  His dark hair was poking out of the back of his helmet and eyes reflected the sky. "Come over?" He quickly signed before the light turned green.  I nodded and began following him to his house.

Once we had arrived I got out of my car as he got off his bike and took the helmet off.  Emmett had been my best friend for at least 8 years.  We met at  my old school, Bukley.  We were the only deaf kids in the whole school.  The school was actually pretty big, it had 12 years and over 10,000 students.  When I was younger I used to have a huge crush on Emmett but he never really like me back so must of the crush faded but there's still a part inside of me that knows I like him. 

We walked up the front steps and through the door.  "Is your Dad home?"  I signed.  Emmett shook his head and we walked up to his room.  I hadn't notice but Emmett grabbed a box of triscuits for us while we hung out. I sat down on his bed and started fidgeting with his camera.  Emmett took it from me.

"No playing with my camera." Emmett signed back as I sighed, "Recent pictrures aren't even on here, they are all downloaded to my computer." I grabbed Emmetts laptop and opened  iPhoto, admiring the breath taking photos he had taken.  

"These are amazing," I told him. He sheepishly smiled then turned his attention back onto his photos so I would too.  Emmett had transfered out of Burkley just not to Calhon instead he transfered to a school for the arts.  More specifically for him Photography.  We talked for hours about everything until I heard my phone vibrate.  

Mom: Where are you?!?! 

Shoot I forgot to tell my mom I was at Emmett's house.  I quickly texted her back.

Me: So sorry, at Emmet's house, and I'll be home in a minute.

"I've got to go," I signed to Emmett and he nodded waving goodbye.

"Till next time," He responded.  I smiled at him before turning and rushing out to my car.  I sped home and got there just before dinner.

"Bay!" My mom signed.  The sign for my name was easy it was just a squiggle of the hand from the neck to the chest.  "Thank god, you're safe, we were so worried." My mom signed to me.  

"It's all good, I'm home and safe and my day was fine." I  signed back putting my hands up.  

As we were sitting down for dinner my little sister and a couple of her friends walked in.  "This is my big sister, Bay!" I could see my sister, Avery say to her friends.  I read the lips of one girl who seemed very hyper.

"Hi," the girl started.  "I'm Casey! What's it like being a teenager do you get to kiss boys and–" She began talking to fast and I could see the words she was forming on her lips.  I looked to my parents for help.

"Casey, sweetie," I could see my mom begin. "Bay can't hear what you're saying she can't talk to you directly either, but if you would like I can interpret for you." I looked away I didn't want to know whatever else they were saying.  I felt so helpless, I could even talk to my 7 year old sisters friednds without somone hovering between the conversation.  I've seen friends tell adorable false stories of how as a teenager she gets to become a princess and fight pirates but I could never do that.  I could never expirience the full human behavior.  I felt my mom tap me.

"The girls want me to interpret for you so you guys can chat." My mom signed to me with a hopeful smile lingering on her face.  I sighed.  After a few question from them I took my plate to the sink and waved to the girls still sitting at the table.  Some waved back.  I went to my bedroom and brought my backpack with me so I could do whatever homework I had.  Home work on the first day of school, how annoying.  Once it was completed, I decided it was a good ideas to go to bed.  Before I could change into my pajamas I felt my phone buzzing.  

Skype? Emmett asked.  I smiled, I loved talking to him on skype.  We could sign to each other and they finally got an app for it so we could call each other mobily.  We talked even longer.  There were some people in the world I couldn't hold a conversation with for 5 minutes, yet here Emmett and I were being able to talk for hours and hours on end.  We havn't spen a whole day together for a while so hopefully this weekend he can come over or something.  I couldn't help to feel so attracted to him, the 8 year crush could never go away. I told Emmett about the car, and Archer.  He wasn't jealous or anything.  Of course he was worried about me though, and worried that I'd end up with a hearie.  I promised I wouldn't but I had a little feeling about Archer too.  It wasn't like the connection Emmett and I shared, but it was there. 

After I had hung up with Emmett I remembered the paper Archer gave me, it had his number.  Is he hitting on me? Does he like me? Oh my god, I don't think I've ever had a guy actually like me. I finally went to sleep with thoughts of Archer on my mind.

Dear Reader

So here is chapter 2.  I hope you enjoyed! -Writer 

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