Chapter 2 - Style And Fashion

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Chapter 2 -Style And Fashion

Wish I knew back then what I know now, wish I could somehow go back in Time and maybe listen to my own advice - little mix
-Little me

I looked  up at my ceiling , questioning my life and my sanity .

How could today have gone from such a exciting day to me hearing information I never thought I would hear.

I continued staring , trying to tell myself I deciphered her words wrong and that she said something completely different from what I had heard .

I have to be insane there's no way she thinks that.

Life is weird, you go into something not even knowing if it will be better or worse than you expect.

I started volleyball in hopes of understanding the sport , but now that I understand the sport I discovered other things that I don't understand .

For example him

I never thought I would randomly catch feelings out of nowhere.

If I did know .

I would have never went to volleyball.

I sighed ,"life needs an undo button muttered.

I laughed humorlessly and shook my head

Picking up my phone that was beside my head , I scrolled down my instagram timeline, trying to look for meme to cheer me up .

'What could possibly ake me laugh right now? ' I thought dryly .

Almost immediately ,
'Trey!' I small smile made its way to my face as I remembered the name of one of my favorite Caribbean comedians .

After watching a couple of his videos I had a permanent smile etched on my face and was filled with happiness .

'I already knew I was crazy.'

I laughed at the thought .


I laughed as I fell off my bed , I couldn't stop.

It's like something possessed Mr with the gift of laughter .

It felt good , laughing is something I haven't been doing lately.

Imagine ,

Going from one of the happiest people in the world, replying at the speed of light , always smiling .

To someone who replies when I feel like, quiet, laugh occasionally and forces my smiles .

Unless I'm around him, but it doesn't last long, reality always gives me a back hand slap , telling me it's never gonna happen , I'm not good enough or , the one with the most truth to it ..he doesn't care.

That's why when she said what she said , I found it so hard to believe her.

Earlier that day (Around 3pm)

Staring into the YMCA indoor volleyball court with determination

I looked around looking at some of my teammates , this was it our last game .

"Yall ready for this ?" Lauryn asked looking at all our faces individually. We all nodded simultaneously.

"Let's do this!"

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