Part I

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It's not your fault that sometimes,strong woman fall in love with cowards.


My name is Safron Elinor,but you can call me Saffy.

Let's just say that my relationship with a guy was unsuccessful even though I knew that it was going to happen someday,I still loved and fought for him because that's the power of love.

After a few sweet days..


Back to reality again. Let's all admit it,we cannot hide the pain and say that we're moved on,that's just a lie.And we're so unpatient in finding someone to love.

Sometimes we get stucked in the past, we cry and almost think everyday what have we really done wrong.

We forgot that we are enough and we do not need to change fore anyone except God.

And we focus on what he wanted that we forgot what we deserve.

We shouldn't waste the life that the Lord has planned for us.

He wouldn't take anything from us without the intention of replacing it with something better.

If the guy was stupid enough to walk away,be smart enough to let him go.

If you can love the wrong person that much,imagine how much you can love the right one.

Close some doors,not because of pride,incapacity or arrogance,but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.

Accept what is,let go of what was,and have faith in what will be.

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