a surprise guest

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At the end of the day me and the girls were by Laurens car she nudges me I looked across the parking lot seeing Mr....i mean Harry going to his car which was a black range rover

"I'll be back in a sec"i said before walking towards him the boys started whistling again Harry turned around a smile forming on his face

"June what can I do for you love?"he asked I smiled

"I was just wondering when do we start?"i asked him he nods

"we can start today is you'd like"he said just as my mom pulled up

"June!"she yelled I closed my eyes

"see you Monday"i said he nodded

"remember call me for anything"he said I nodded

"okay"i said before running towards my mother's car

"hi mom"i said kissing her cheek before she drove off

"who was that you were talking to?"she asked I sighed

"the principal said I need a tutor because the job is bringing my grades down"i said looking at my hands

"it's okay hun you can have a mentor you don't have to ask just be careful"she said I looked at her

"what do you mean?"I asked her she laughed

"cmon June do you honestly think that I'm supposed to believe that the two of you don't have any sexual tension"she said looking over at me I shook my head

"please don't"i said she shrugged parking the car

"what? I'm not gonna be that immature parent that's gonna say inappropriate things to their daughters boyfriends"she said I followed her to the house

"mom he's my mentor not my boyfriend"i said she laughed

"mentor during the day teacher in the morning boyfriend at night hmm you have a busy life June"she mused with a laugh

"mom stop"i whined as we walked into the living room

"stop what?"dad asked I went upstairs to grab my guitar

"oh nothing I'm just teasing her"i hear my mom say

"oh nothing I'm just teasing her"i hear my mom say

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"Knock knock"i heard a familiar voice

"Harry? What....how did you find me?"I asked standing up I was in the backyard

"Your mother invited me over for dinner"he said shrugging

"Of course she did"i said shaking my head I got up

"well let me show you around the neighborhood"i said he nods and follows me I showed him my favorite spot it was a little cabin in Miami yes it was my parents they gave it to me once I.....

"it's getting late we better get back"he said I nodded did I mention I showed him the pizza parlor and Starbucks where I worked he mentioned he loved Starbucks so I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot more often than I thought I opened the door

"I started to think you weren't coming"mom said I gave her a look that said I'm going to kill you

"I see you found my little princess"dad says I smiled once he kissed my forehead

"well dinners almost finished June you should show him around the house"mom suggested

"okay"i agreed as Olivia came bounding down the stairs

"mama"she cheered I bended down to hug her and kiss her cheek

"how's my little angel?"I asked her yes I have a daughter

"Grammy painted my nails ma"she said I turned around

"Livy say hi to Harry"i said and kissed her cheek again

"hi"she beamed at him she was just too adorable

"down"she said moving her arms I put her down and watched as she raised her hands up for Harry to pick her up he did and she clapped happily

"alright Olivia time for a nap cmon"mom said taking her from Harry

"uh follow me"i said

"is she yours?"he asked as she felt my mother's face I smiled

"yeah"i said as we ventured off into my home

"she looks just like you"he said I looked at him

"yeah I guess she does but as soon as my date sees her they all just leave I guess they couldn't handle a baby"i said he scoffed

"boys these days"he said shaking his head

"let a perfectly good thing slip away"he adds I blushed but shrugged

"I'm no one special just a teen who got pregnant at a young age but I don't care I'm sorta happy"i said turning to him once we came to a stop at Olivia's room

"I can tell you love her"he said i looked at him

"I do I really do with all my heart"

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