Starbucks visit

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We sat on my bed talking and laughing I found out he wanted to be in a band like a singer he wouldn't sing for me though why?

"Why wont you sing for me?"i asked him he shrugged 

"What if i suck thats not the type of impression i want you to have"he said shaking his head 

"You don't have to impress me harry"i said shaking my head 

"That you don't think i need to means I actually do"he said I laughed 

"I never pictured you to be like this"I said cocking my head he laughs 

"Like what then? A total flirt?"he asked raising an eyebrow 

"Yes a flirt but I pictured you as a romantic type of guy"i said shrugging 

"You have no idea how romantic i can be"he said smiling dimples showing 

"Well let me see"i said he nods 

"Only if you agree to go on a date with me"he said 

"You sure that isnt risky? i mean you're my teacher"i said he shrugs 

"It's worth the risk"he said sitting back on his hands 

"Seriously? Harry I'm being serious"i said crossing my legs 

"I can find another job June"he said i sighed 

"Fine if you're so sure then yeah id  love to......"he cuts me off

"Wait!"he exclaimed sitting up straight grabbing my hands 

"What now?"i asked 

"I haven't asked you yet love"he said smirking i rolled my eyes 

"Then ask me"i said cocking my head 

"I haven't asked you properly"he emphasized 

"Whats the proper way?"i asked him he shrugs 

"Ya know with flowers and chocolate the whole 9"he said rolling his eyes 

"You don't have to....."he cuts me off again 

"This is me being romantic"he said 

"Fine I'll wait I'm not impatient"I said he laughs making me laugh 

"Dinners ready!"i heard my mom call out 

"Come on"i said and tugged him out of my room after dinner i walked harry to his car 

"It was great meeting you harry maybe next time we'll bring out the baby photos"my mom said i went red 

"No baby photos"i said dragging him to his car 

"I would love too"he called out i sighed as he unlocks his car 

"I swear i think my mother likes you more than she likes me"i said i didnt want him to leave i had a great time 

"None sense I'm just irresistible i mean just look at these dimples"he said smiling his dimples showing he was right i mean jesus look at those dimples 

"Cocky much?"i asked him cocking my head 

"A little"he said smiling 

"I'll see you tomorrow morning"he said opening the door

"What's happening tomorrow?"i asked him confused he smirks kissing my cheek before getting in his car 

"You'll see"he said before pulling out of my driveway 


The next morning i was still pondering over what harry said what was happening today i went to work as usual it was around 10am when i heard footsteps nearing my cash register 

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The next morning i was still pondering over what harry said what was happening today i went to work as usual it was around 10am when i heard footsteps nearing my cash register 

"What can i get you today....."i trailed off as i looked up to see harry 

"What are you doing here?"i asked him i could see lauren and perrie watching with wide eyes 

"I'm buying coffee"he said i blushed biting my lip

"What can i get you?"i asked him he looks up at the menu 

"Just a coffee for now"he said i nodded 

"Coming right up sir"i said before going to make his coffee 

"Was that mr styles our hot teacher?"perrie asked 

"Your boyfriend is literally over there"i said looking over at grant he waved i waved back 

"Oh please don't change the subject"she sassed me 

"Extra sassy this morning i like it"i said placing the top on his coffee carefully 

"You're extra careful with his coffee you never make coffee"perrie said jade peeked over from her station 

"June please tell us there is nothing going on with you and our teacher"lauren said i rolled my eyes 

"There's nothing going on with me and our teacher.....yet"i said the last part as i walked away i gave harry his coffee 

"Anything else?"i asked him 

"Yeah your company take a seat"he said my eyes widened 

"I'm working"i said he sipped his coffee 

"When do you get a break?"he asked me 

"In 2 hours"i said he smirked 

"Ill see you in 2 hours i want pizza"he said standing up i nodded 

"2 hours pizza parlor deal"i said he shook his head 

"I'm picking you up"he said i blushed as he handed me his coffee 

"You need it more than i do"he said as he kissed my cheek leaving a lingering kiss on it 

"Don't be late"he said kissing my forehead before he leaves i watched as he left biting my lip i held his coffee close i drank some before going back to my station with the biggest smile on my face 

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