Don't let her go to sleep upset
She'll only torn and turn blue
until sadness pushes her into sleep
and tears stain her pillow.You'll be her first thought
when she wakes up.
more then anything
she'll wish to could go back sleep.Back to her silence,
to her empty backness,
to her escapes
Sleeplessness tears..Don't do this to her,
She's worth for you
If she wasn't
She wouldn't care
If she wouldn't care
She wouldn't criesThe Moond and Her 1.0
The Moon and Her 1.0
PoetryMy first poetry collection, written with all of my heart for the bravest soul out there.. Broken isn't bad, broken is a poetry.. Note : credit for all amazing pictures @broken_isnt_bad @henn_kim I wrote poem for those pictures..