The Dreams

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(Kim's pov a month later:)

I was running.

 Running from the dark shadows in the woods, running from the monsters. That's all I could do  before they hurt me again, but suddenly I felt the coldness of the brickwork as I crashed into a wall falling back on the ground. I looked up in fear, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head and my eyes met the creature's. They gazed down upon me with with devilish grins on there faces as I desperately tried to crawl away,  but not before they grabbed me and pulled me into darkness.

I woke up screaming again, another nightmare like every night. I tried falling back asleep but I was couldn't in case of the nightmare coming back. In case I get dragged back into hell again.

I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted, I got ready and ate breakfast as usual, that's all I did every morning acted like everything was okay. I left for work and stumbled here and there almost falling asleep while walked, but I had to make sure no one at work noticed. Suddenly a loud car horn woke me right up, making me jump. "What the-

 I turned my head to see the car had pulled up to the pavement next to me and rolled down the window. I looked inside to see Hannah giggling. "Hey Hannah." I said with a forced smile. "Hey Kim, want to hop in?" She asked grinning and I got in, putting my bag by my feet and leaning back into the seat with a sigh.

 "Kim we've known each other for a month now and we've become so close in such a short amount of time... So you can trust me you know that right?" She said randomly in a concerned voice "Yeah of course I do Hannah what makes you say that?" I asked "Well I've noticed you haven't been looking unwell lately and you always have black circles under your eyes" she said as she pulled into the parking lot outside Yogstowers, when she parked I got out of the car putting my marvel bag on my shoulders and when Hannah got out of the car I saw she was wearing a black jacket with a brown vest top and blue jeans with black football boots, I looked down at what I was wearing and I just remember that I'm just wearing all black, black top, black jeans and black converse "Hannah I'm fine I promise, plus I'm old enough now to take care of my problems, I don't need my best friend acting like my mother" I said jokingly and smiled as I walked next to her "Okay Kim, I'm trusting you" she said still worried then we walked through the doors and into the elevator in silence "Sorry Hannah but I can't tell you I still need sometime" I thought to myself and sighed.

The day flew by and it already half past eleven, me and Duncan had just finished recording, I still didn't have an office yet so I was using Hannah's office. I was getting more tired so I laid my head down on my arms that were resting on the desk, then all I remember is seeing blackness, just letting the sleep take over my body letting my mind be at peace.

(Duncan's pov:)

Me and Kim had just finished our recording for our new series galaticraft and Kim sounded so exhausted through the whole thing, I walked out of my office and headed to Hannah's office to see if Kim wanted to go grab a coffee. I made it to the door and knocked but got no reply so I opened the door to find Kim's head resting on her arms on the desk asleep I closed the door and walked up to Kim, I was going to wake her up but then I just froze when I saw her sleeping face, it looked so at peace "She looks so beautiful" I thought to myself letting a slight smile spread across my face but then I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Kim mumble something "No... no.. get away" she said in her sleep scared, I put my hand on her shoulder and shook her a tiny bit "Kim" I said softly but she shot up in a panic and turned around to me, as soon as she saw me she relaxed a little and I pulled up a chair next to her sitting down, when I looked at her face I saw that she had tears in her eyes then she wiped them "Kim, I'm starting to get worried, what's been going on?" I asked but she didn't say anything she only looked down letting her hair cover her face.

We sat there for what seemed like hours until "Duncan do you want to stay over tonight?" she looked up with a slight smile on her face "This is a chance for me to find out what's wrong and finally maybe get closer to Kim" I thought smiling to myself "Yeah, I'll stay over and we can have pizza and watch anything we want, but remember leave some pizza for me this time Miss Greedy" I said while ruffling her hair and she whacked my hand away and we both just laugh, I loved hearing her laugh it made me happy knowing I can make her smile. "I'll just call my girlfriend then we will stop at my place then head to yours okay?" I said whilst getting up and started to call my girlfriend, she answered "Hey Duncan" My girlfriend said in her sweet voice "Hey, listen Kim has asked me to stay at hers tonight, do you mind?" I asked hopefully "Kim? not that girl again Duncan, yes I do mind you've been getting a little bit to close with her Duncan and I don't like it" she said in a slightly annoyed voice "She needs me, I can hang with whoever I want, sorry but I'm staying with her tonight we will talk about our problems tomorrow" I said upset and ended the call, I put my phone back in my pocket then I turned around and looked at Kim smiling at her even though she looked at me worried "Shall we get going then?" I said with the brightest smile on my face, she just nodded then we walked out the office do the corridor and I just started to get more concerned "I'm here for you Kim no matter what, I hope you know that"


~Sorry about bad about grammar and punctuation I know most of it isn't right but I'm not good at grammar or punctuation, but still hope you enjoy the story :)~

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