It can't be

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(Kim's pov:)

Me and Hannah went to the coffee shop like she said we would and we were just sitting there having a girly chat.

"You know, you're so much like your mother" Hannah blurts out with a silly grin and I almost choke on my hot chocolate and look at her with a death glare, she has met my mum a few times now since my mum has been staying here "I am most certainly not" I say in defense "you so are because everytime you two are joking around you both always say "oh" and it just makes it even more funny" she says letting out a giggle.

Then suddenly both our phones start buzzing like mad and we both pulled them out from our pockets and from my notifications I can see I have a message from Zoey, Lewis, sjin and duncan but also an unknown number then my phone starts ringing and it's an unknown number I look up at Hannah and I see her face in shock "Hannah?" I ask in concern as I ignore the phone call and she snaps her head up at me looking away from her phone "Give me your phone" she says quickly in panic "what wh-" "just give it now" she says now in anger as she cuts me off so I give her my phone "sometimes I regret giving her my password to my phone" I thought to myself as I leaned back crossing my arms looking at her in confusion.

She gave me back my phone and noticed that the messages I got from Zoey, Lewis, sjin, Duncan and the unknown number were gone and I was just even more confused "Come on we need to go back to the office Lewis wants us" she said in a rush getting up and walking out leaving me behind and I jumped up and hurried behind her "Hannah what's happened?" I asked finally getting slightly annoyed but she just ignores me which angers me more so I just ignore her as she does the same to me.

We make it back to Yogstowers and get in the elevator in silence as we go up to our floor and as soon as the doors open Hannah sprints out the elevator and runs down the hall "what the hell is going on?" I thought to myself as I walked to my office getting ready to film my own video until I see I have an email thinking it's from Lewis so I click on it.

Hey Kim, I have something interesting to show you.

I read the first line confused and saw a link to something, my curiosity took over so I clicked on the link and what I saw next, I was not prepared for. It was a video of Duncan and Charlie making out in his kitchen and I saw in the corner of the video to see when it's filmed and it says yesterday "this can't be true I mean he broke up with her to be with me why would he do this?"  I thought to myself in a panic then I went back to the email the read the rest of it.

I know you can already guess this is from yours truly, Charlie, but if you think about it he cheated on me with you and yes I do know you two did something I started to guess after he broke up with me because of you, doesn't it make you question that, what stops him from doing the same to you?

I leaned back in my chair in shock because she does have a good point. He cheated on her with me what stops him from doing the same with me? I need to get out of here, I want to go home.

(Duncan's pov:)

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HANNAH BUT I DON'T REMEMBER DOING THAT WITH CHARLIE!!" I shouted at Hannah in anger in the staff room as everyone watched "IT WAS RECORDED YESTERDAY DUNCAN HOW CAN YOU NOT REMEMBER?!" she shouted back.

"Okay guys calm down with the shouting, listen Duncan I don't know if this is true or not but we need to fix this before it gets any worse" Sjin said stepping between us and looking at us worried, I just nodded so did Hannah "Listen I swear I haven't been anywhere near Charlie and everytime I am I tell her to go away, I love Kim and I wouldn't do that to her" I said as calmly as possible.

"Maybe it was filmed while you and Charlie were in a relationship and she was planning to use it incase you did break up with her and she was just waiting for the right moment" Zoey said butting in and I just looked at her "out of all of us Zoey is the smartest" I thought as I started to relax a bit "that's quite the possibility and since she usually came here a lot she knows a bit of editing skills" Lewis said adding on to Zoey's theory and I started to think maybe this was true "It wouldn't be a surprise, especially since she was a bitch to Kim" Hannah said still in an annoyed voice "I'll go get her, we need to explain this to her before anything else happens" I said and they all nodded in agreement.

I walked out the room and towards Kim's office and when I walked in I froze in place, she was gone but on her screen was exactly what we were all hoping for her not to see but it was too late she had seen the video of me and Charlie and now she's gone. I tried calling her, I don't know how long she has been gone since me and the gang were In the staff room for a while and I ran back with my phone still close to my ear but it was declined. I made it to the staff room, huffing and puffing everyone just stared at me in confusion "Kim.... video... she... seen... now... gone" I managed to say and they all got what I ment "She's probably at home, you, me, Zoey and Lewis will go check on her and everyone else try to contact her" Hannah said taking charge as she moved me out the way of the door way and me, Zoey and Lewis followed her.

"I really hope Kim will believe me..." was all I could think as we made our way down to the elevator and getting ready to go see Kim.


~sorry for any bad grammar,  punctuation or spelling I'm not good at those type of things hope you still enjoy the story~

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