You're an Idol Too?

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[A/N: i forgot to mention in earlier chapters, but almost all the time when Mak speaks to Surin and her friends, hes talking in english. >~< if you dont already know you'll soon understand why ^^]

 I layed their with my arms crossed, well, trying to cross them. At this moment he didnt just have me locked tightly, but his head was right behind mine, by the most an inch. DUDE WAS A LITTLE TOO CLOSE. ".Mak,,,mak,,,MAK WAKE UP!" i slapped his head lightly,

 He only shook his head then dug it in the back of my neck. "eeeeeee~!!!" began to cringe. His breath was literally on the back of my neck. Next thing you know he starts mumbling in his sleep. "Mak your weird as hell e.e" I looked back at the clock on the desk, it was only 5:30am. ITS ONLY BEEN 10 MINUTES! its felt like years..."hmmm,...maybe if i turn around i can push him off.." so i managed to turn my body in his death grasp to face him. i began to freak out, "so much skin touching me! this isnt good for my virgin soul!" now that i was able to see him shirtless just made me panic even more. 

"Mak please,"i began to whine, "im sleeply and your shirtless body is scaring mee~~~~" I began to patheticly and effortlessly his his shoulder. I felt like i had building on my eyes lids. I JUST WANTED TO GO BACK TO SLEEP! I just accepted i was stuck in this muscly mans arms and went to sleep the best i could.

"mmmmmmmm uhhh" i moaned and stretched. i was wide spread on my bed.i lifted my head half asleep to see Mak standing by his bag as he put his belongs back inside. Since all his shirts were dirty, he grabbed his pull over hoodie that he laid on the desk chair, and pull it over his head and slipped it on.

I flopped me head back on the pillow, "still no shirt? hm hm hm~"  i sounded half drunk, i was half asleep i swear.

He sat on the bed,"haha no, not yet"

I began to speak in my "half drunken state" not thinking at all,"hmm yeahhh.... you have a nice backkk~" i rubbed my face against my pillow snuggling in my sheets saying the first thing that came to mind. 

"maybe i shouldnt wear a shirt more often then, haha" he said jokingly.

When i finally realized what i said out loud my eyes shot wide open and  got out of mY bed as fast as possible, "I- I DIDNT MEAN THAAAT!" i ended up tripping over my covers instead and landed on the floor on my back. 

"ohhhhhohhh my gawd! aha are you okay!?"

I rubbed my back, "uhh, yeah, perfectly fine >~<"

he grabbed my hand and helped me up, "haha, well i'm off to work, try not to kill yourself."

"and you try to buy more shirts e.e"

he was half way out the door and turned his head back, "but i thought you liked me back~~"

"go away!"

all i heard was laughter then the door shut and he was off. I saw my phone light up with a new message, "myyyy baaaackkkkkkk~~~~"

 i face palmed, i had a feeling he wasnt gonna let this go for a while. I walked out the bedroom to wake everyone up. They asked where Mak went and told them he had gone to work.

"aw, i liked him drunk!" Yerin whined.

"he fed me, im cool with him xD" eunmi always only thinking of her stomach.

As i made my way back into the bedroom, i saw something rolled up in the corner  where Mak's bag was at. i walked over and picked it up. "psht, his charger was here the whole time, guess i have to go take it to him......but i dont want to go outside....UGHHHHH" i walked back into the  living room..

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