Playing In Bed

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I felt a consistant nudging on my shoulder. I ignored it hoping that it would stop. but it didnt.

"wake up" was whispered in my ear with more nudging.

"gahh what~" I moaned.

"you look angry when you sleep"

Hoseok was an idiot.

"Ya! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!?" Yeseok woke up angry at the fact Jhope was in her room.

"nothing I just-"

"GET OUT YOU LITTLE TURD!" she threw her stuffed animals at him and chased him out the room.

I shook my head smiling and turned over to the lamp desk on the side of the bed I slept on. My phone laid there charging over night, and I noticed my Kakao light notification going off.

"hey! havnt seen you in a while. you ok?"

It was Mak. I havnt spoke to him since the night Jhope pulled me out of the studio.

"Yeah im fine just uh... well just on a mini vacation. So whats up?"

"oh I didnt know you went out. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out for lunch later but I guess thats a no go now haha."

I felt kinda bad, ever since Hoseok came back I havnt really spoken to Mak at all. I didnt like ignoring people but I wasnt sure how to talk to him without J-Hope finding out and getting aggressivly jealous like last time.

We were heading back to Seoul Friday,  by Saturday J-Hope would be back on his busy schedule,  that would be a good day.

"yeah sorry I didnt let you know."

"its okay"

"Well im going to be back in Seoul Friday night, we can go out for something to eat Saturday?"

"sounds like a plan :)"

I put my phone down and got up and walked to the window in Yeseok's bedroom that showed a view of the backyard. I opened the curtain to see Yeseok and Hoseok wrestling on the ground like little kids.

I looked back to my phone and back out the window at Hoseok and let out a long sigh. I really hope I dont screw things up between these two.


It was about 3PM and Yeseok was off to work, Aboji left to run errands about an hour ago, and eomma was busy in her small vegetable garden she had in the back. I wondered into Yeseoks room to go change. It was really humid out and apparently from what Jhope told me in the morning, he had something special planned for today. I slipped on a "short to long" peach colored maxi skirt with a simple white T that had slightly fuffled sleeves.

"I'll be right back" Hoseok began to walk out the door.

" wha- where are you going?" 

" Just waited by the door, i'll be back in 10 minutes, max." he shut the front door behind him and was off.

 I opened the door again to step outside and wait while i saw him run off in the distance. I sat on the steps outside the front and crossed my arms, "where is this idiot going?" 

To pass the time i was playing a game on my phone and it wasnt long until i heard the sound of a small engine in he distance getting louder as it came closer. As soon asi lifted my head there he was. Riding a black motor scooter. I kept starring at him until he came to a stop right in front of me.

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