Chapter Five

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Fae's POV - Wednesday Morning. Sept. 18

"I'm not going!" I yelled at my closed door. I was snuggling in my bed, the covers wrapped tightly around me as I sat up against the headboard. I heard a sigh come from the other side of the door. I knew my mom was getting annoyed but she was also still very worried about me. I mean seriously, I moaned from Callen holding me close and talking in my ear while we danced. Who does that? Aside from me obviously. I'm never dancing again.

"Honey please. You can't miss school because some small thing from a party. No one is going to care." I yanked up one of my pillows and threw it at the door. It wasn't a satisfying sound as something hard would be but it still made enough noise with a soft thud thanks to the fact that it wasn't one of those overly fluffy things and my were strength.

"I said no. Leave me alone!" I yelled again. I could feel the hot trails of tears running down my face again. I knew my eyes were red from crying all night and no sleep. I hadn't even let Ley in to talk. I was that upset. Another sigh and then banging on my door. Kenley's turn again. None of them slept either, all three of them had tried and failed to calm me down and get me to open the door. My alarm went off about ten minutes ago witch meant we had to leave for school in about twenty. There was no way I was going to be even remotely dressed and ready even to my normal outfits today if I jumped up now which meant I'd probably end up in jeans and a peasant top. I'd never worn those to school before, I didn't want to risk being figured out. I'd also have to probably pull my hair up into a ponytail or a braid.

"You'll look fine in whatever you wear, your hair will be great, and You can just throw on lip gloss."

"Shut up Kenley and stop using your twin-sense!" I hated when she did that. Being weres, we had a type of pack link with family or pack members but since we were twins ours was stronger. There were times we could actually read or hear each others thoughts even when we weren't using the link, usually in times of emotional or mental stress. I think I was deep in both at the moment.

"I know you are now get your butt ready for school. We don't have to take them to school today so you only have to deal with them in classes and lunch. After school, I have rehearsals for the musical and you  get to come home and can go run before the pack makes their rounds." I hated her, she knew exactly what to say to start to sway my mind. I knew she was getting angry and irritated because she had no sleep. She'd be her normal cheery self the moment we were in front of others but that meant we got the brunt of her irritation. "I heard that and you are so lucky I'm trying to make you feel better or you'd be feeling my wrath as well as my claws!" I couldn't help it, I laughed. We were never able to hurt each other and she wouldn't start now. I knew I was right when I heard Kenley finally start laughing on the other side of my door too.

"Fine. Fine! I'll get ready and go. But I swear if I hear one joke, see one look, anything and I'm heading straight home. I don't care what any of you say." I heard sighs of relief from my parents and of annoyance from Ley.

"Whatever, I'm getting breakfast and tossing on my clothes. Say one thing about my outfit and I'll seriously think about hurting you."

I headed for the bathroom, grimacing at my reflection as I saw it for the first time since I got ready for the party last night, and used the makeup remover to get rid of the extremely messed up make up. My eyes were red, would probably be better by the time we get to school so long as I stop crying and get some sleep in the car ride to school. I decided to be a bit vain, after last night I think I get at least one free pass for the day, and put concealer on under my eyes hiding the dark circles under them before yanking a brush through my hair to pull it into a high ponytail and pulling it tight. I then headed for my closet the grab an emerald green long sleeve peasant top, pulled a pair of dark nay blue flare bottom jeans out of one of the dressers, then grabbed out one on my special bras. I did still have to try and keep up my female appearance even if I'm going more casual than I've ever done before for school. It took up most the twenty minutes, leaving me just enough time to yank on a pair of Black and purple converse and grab a granola bar on my way out  of the house to the car. I ate the bar quickly before closing my eyes to sleep for the car ride. I'd caught my sister rolling her eyes just before I was out.

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