Chapter Fifteen

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Callen's POV - Wednesday Morning. Nov. 27

Two months since everything happened. The doctors had assured me they could keep both my mate our my child healthy even while he was in a coma and had been doing so this whole time. I was really starting to lose hope but kept my head held high and my faith in his strength strong. I'd been told to believe in him and I had done so and will continue to do so. I've caught both Avery and Jeremy in here before talking to Fae. Apologizing and telling him he needed to wake up for my sake, even if he never forgave them. I never told them I'd overheard them but had constantly told them that Fae would never blame them.

I had just woken up a few minutes ago, just about to get ready for a shower when I heard Kenley yelling that Fae was waking up. I dropped everything I had in my hands and ran for the infirmary, almost knocking a few pack members over in the process. Many had heard Kenley's yelling and moved out of the way but there were the few that hadn't been able to move fast enough and ended up knocked over. I could see smiled on their faces though as I threw an apology back at them, they weren't mad and all understood my rush. I rushed through the door and to Fae's bed as I called out his name. His eyes blinked open and he smiled at me. I broke down then, pulling him to me in a hug as I nuzzled my nose into his neck and cried.

"Shh, it's alright." He croaked out as his arms shakily wrapped around me to hold me to him.

"Callen? Why don't you let him go so he can get some water and let the doctors look over him." I heard my father say and looked over to see the pack doctors looking a little scared to get close. I didn't blame them, a wolf could be dangerous or aggressive if you came between them and their mate in a situation such as this. Of course, since it was both my father and alpha that had spoken and had used getting my mate medical help he'd need, it hadn't upset my wolf, of course my wolf still did not want me to let Fae go. So I simply lifted Fae and slid in behind him, resting him in my lap so they could look him and my child over without me having to leave him. No one argued.

"Hey baby. How do you feel?" His mother asked him as she came over to the side of the bed. Fae had just finished getting a few sips of water and smiled up at his mother.

"Honestly, like I've been sleeping too long and someone chose to stuff my stomach with a watermelon." She laughed slightly and reached out to pet his head lovingly. I knew she wasn't going to try and take him from me so my wolf didn't see her reaching for him as a threat and I could tell from the look in her eyes, she was hoping he didn't.

"I bet. You've been in a coma for two months and are pregnant." The way she said it was a bit hesitant, like she was worried how he'd react.

"I know. I knew about being pregnant before the fight and just found out I was in a coma and how long." He said a bit sadly but still smiled up at her. He leaned back against me and snuggled into my chest. I pressed a kiss to his mark and he wiggled against me as he let out a small moan. "Stop it. We have an audience." He muttered. I laughed and pressed another kiss to his mark then to the top of his head as i hugged him to me.

"Fine. But as soon as I can get you alone, we are making up for your two months asleep." He moaned and wiggled against me again and I grinned as I watched everyone in the room look away awkwardly.

"Well, everything looks normal and the baby is still fine." One of the pack doctors said before they all scurried away after unhooking Fae from all the machines.Fae rubbed his arm where the needles had just been, the small holes already healed over but obviously still feeling them.

"So two months. Do we know the baby's gender yet?" Fae asked and we all shook our heads.

"The doctors know everything but we were hoping you'd wake before they were born and we'd find out with you. I didn't want to know if you didn't." I answered. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled before pressing his lips to mine in a sweet but too brief kiss.

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