Chapter Sixteen

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Fae's POV - Saturday Morning, Feb. 15.

I felt like crap and Callen had ended up with quite a few bruises thanks to my hormones going into over drive and every little thing he did or said setting me off. He just smiled and said he still loved me. I still didn't know if I was having two boys, two girls, or one of each and I didn't care. The last three months since I woke, I'd been helping turn the large room, almost similar to our playroom and down the hall from it, into a small apartment for Callen and I. I honestly didn't want to leave my room, and had refused to turn Ley and my play room into an apartment, but he and I both agreed it'd be good to give us a bit of privacy. My room would remain relatively untouched though and we could escape back to it whenever we wished. We'd turned the large room into a two bed, two bath, LDK type of apartment. One room was our room and the other was currently a nursery for the twins.

"Faelen. What are you doing up this early?" Callen's sleep filled voice reached my ears as he walked into the nursery with me. It was probably about four in the morning and I had been woken by two very strong kicks against my stomach and one of them choosing to lay on my bladder. I had found myself in their nursery and just looking it over. We were told to expect the twins anytime this month and yesterday had been a lovely Valentines day, our first as mates, and I loved every minute of it. While we couldn't end the night with mating like most mates, it was still a great night and we'd ended up cuddled together until I fell asleep.

"Thing one and thing two didn't want my to sleep. One decided to dance and the other took a nap on my bladder." I said and heard him chuckle.

"You know they love you and hearing you and figured waking you early would give them more time to spend with you."

"Yes because growing in me for five months isn't spending enough time with me." I said and rolled my eyes. I loved the little monsters but I was sick of them. I don't know how human females can stand being an elephant for nine months. I wasn't even sure how female wolves and wolf mates stood the five months. This was pure torture. The growth and birth of a baby was not a beautiful and perfect thing like TV made it out to be. It sucked.

"To be fair, they really only got three months of hearing you. They had to suffer with me talking to you for two whole months without hearing their mommy's voice to make it all better." He said and pressed a kiss to my mark. I moaned and he smiled and pressed a kiss to my lip. The peaceful moment was ruined however as thing one and thing two decided to start doing gymnastics in my stomach. I let out a yell of pain and swore I was going to give natural birth to the twins there and there. Callen wasted no time as he yanked me up and I knew where he was headed. We had also turned on unused wing in the mansion into the hospital wing so they had everything they actually needed over the little infirmary they'd had since they started moving into the mansion.

"Get them out of me!" I heard myself screaming as Callen made it into the hospital wing. The pack doctors were immediately surrounding us and telling Callen were to take me and then prepping me for the surgery to remove thing one and thing two. I was currently laying on a hospital bed, Callen dressed in blue scrubs as he held my hands and waiting for the numbing thing they used to take effect.

"So do we have names for them yet?" One nurse asked. I could tell it was simply a way to get my mind off of it but I glared at her and she bowed her head in submission.

"Sh, Fae. It's alright. She just wanted to help you." Callen said and I sighed.

"No. We couldn't decide without knowing genders, we were arguing too much. I said we;d just know when they were born." I answered and she gave me a small smile and then I heard the words I'd been hoping for.

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