Chapter Six

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"So," Diane drawled, her voice practically dripping with disdain, something Elizabeth would've attributed to King or Ban rather than the Sin of Envy. Has she really changed that much? She doesn't look all that different. Actually, she looks exactly how I remember her. 

Oh, my old friend...I pray that you and the others aren't like me.

She flared her black wings--come on, those should've made it damn obvious who she was--and lifted her chin, staring down the giantess as an icy glare swept over them, halting on Meliodas with a venom uncharacteristic of the kind, optimistic girl she remembered. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed, the old burn of light magic--something that repelled her now, that her fallen nature protested with every drop of inner sunlight (but she would not call on the shadows, not now, not ever, not since Lio)--rising within her, unintentionally radiating killing intent. But if you hurt him, I won't hesitate to ruin you.

"Some Holy Knights got in, I see," Diane sneered, violet eyes slits of rage. Well, that's rude, seeing as you were a Knight once too. 

Meliodas stiffened, looking adorably indignant. She swore that the only thing that would've possibly made him look any cuter was if he'd kept the habit he'd had when he was a kid, the one of puffing his cheeks when he was angry. 

She could recall the child version of him so clearly, shining green eyes and curious face that lit up with adoration, always trotting after her, calling "Lizzie, Lizzie..." She missed the small child he'd been sometimes, but watching him now--strong despite his weaknesses, all too eager to believe in someone else but far too quick to doubt himself, willing to do anything to protect those he cared for and yet refusing to risk anyone else--enthralled her. She smiled slightly at the ferocity of his words and the protective anger on his face as he spoke, dagger drawn (as if it would do anything to Diane, as if Diane could defeat her--well, it was unlikely, anyway): "We aren't Holy Knights! We--"

The Sin of Envy was clearly, Elizabeth decided as she was swept upwards, ignoring the discomfort of her wings being forcibly crumpled against her back, in one of her moods. It was a good thing it had only been ten years, or else she might've forgotten how to handle them. "Watch the feathers, would you?" she protested. 

"Elizabeth--" Oh, so now he knocked off the title; it was probably an accident caused by panic, sweet goddesses, kid, how many saccharine heart attacks are you gonna give me?--"are you okay?"

"Don't let that giant kick your butt!" Hawk shouted. Always my biggest motivator, huh.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm trying, alright?" She wriggled a bit as Diane brought her level to those purple eyes of hers, a furrow appearing in her old friend's brow. 

"Wait...did the little human brat say Elizabeth?"

"He's not a brat!" Hawk defended the prince from below. Diane paid no heed to the talking pig--seriously, was no one affected by the fact that a pig could talk? Maybe she could startle a reaction out of Ban; it had always been fun to mess with her best friend. 

Huh. She missed him more than she thought. She missed all of them way more than she'd thought she would. Sixteen years and I'm already way too attached...good thing they're all immortals as well. Most of them, anyway. "Hey, Diane!" Elizabeth chirped. "What's it been, like, ten years? How's it going?"

Diane's narrowed eyes opened wide, and Elizabeth could practically see the stars in them. "CAPTAAAAAAAIN~!" 

And without any further warning, she was being rubbed against Diane's cheek with squeals of delight coming from the much taller Sin. Elizabeth let out a huff of laughter. I guess she hasn't changed after all. "It's good to see you too, Diane."

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