Chapter Five

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Fog wove sluggishly through the thick forest, wrapping around barren tree branches and long-abandoned bird's nests. Nothing living seemed to be in the ever-silent Forest of White Dreams, the blanket of absolute quiet unbroken for years—at least, that was what the people nearby said.

Elizabeth, however, was highly skeptical. Which led to her motley crew (or was it Meliodas's? This was his crusade, after all) trudging through the bone-white forest, Hawk's sarcasm and "rapier wit" making up for all the years of silence this place had faced.

It kinda grates on the ears after awhile, she noticed dryly. Still, she owed Hawk a lot—her life, her sanity (or lack thereof, perhaps?), and her loyalty. As annoying as he could be, Hawk had been her only friend for ten otherwise lonely years, and a hard worker despite his complaints.

She just hoped that he wouldn't end up dead at the end of this quest.

"Hey, um, Lady Elizabeth..."

She blinked, startled back into the world of the living by Meliodas's voice. The prince's green eyes were on her as he padded along next to Hawk, the two of them a few feet ahead. "It's just Elizabeth," she corrected, not unkindly.

"R-right, sorry." He ducked his head, looking embarrassed. "Is there really another Sin in the Forest?"

Ah, yes, something I can answer! "Probably," she hummed. I mean, if I definitely knew where they were, I would've already found them...though not to prove our innocence and save the kingdom and all that. We probably would've gotten to that eventually, but not right off the bat.

"Wait, so we came here without any evidence?" Hawk squealed, rounding on her. Fear flickered in his eyes. "I heard that there are monsters in these forests..."

Monsters, huh? A mischievous thrill ran through Elizabeth at the thought, and she glided up behind Meliodas, tapping her cold fingers on his neck. A strangled noise escaped him as he stiffened. Okay, this is a little mean...but his reaction is adorable, so I'll let myself slide on this one. She leaned forward and blew sharply on his neck, and he yelped. "Aa-ah!"


What was that? A monster? A demon? O-or—is there something worse than that? A shiver of fright ran through Meliodas's body and he was immediately ashamed. I can face Holy Knights and walk miles alone, but I can't deal with something small like this? Pathetic... Then the cold fingers ghosted along his neck again and he let out a squeak of instinctive fear.

"What is it?!" Hawk demanded from up ahead, ears raised in what the prince had come to recognize as an "attack position".! "There's something grabbing m-my neck," he managed to whisper, frozen in place.

"Relax." Elizabeth dropped her hand—it was her the whole time? She scared me to death!—from his neck and flashed a smile as she passed him. "It's just me."

"Quit scaring him!" Hawk shouted, and Meliodas felt a flash of affection for the talking pig.

"Oh, he's fine. It was just a little prank." She turned around and beamed at him. "I won't do it again if I actually scared you, though. Sorry!" Despite her jovial tone, contrition flickered in her sapphire-blue eyes. 

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