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=Katsuki P.O.V.=

I woke up with a pounding headache. There were restraints on my arms and my quirk wouldn't activate. What happened? Then I remembered that Deku knocked me out. I started struggling even more. Where the hell am I anyway?

I looked around though much of it was cut off due to being tied to a chair. The things I could see was unpleasant to say the least. Blood stained the carpet red and man body parts were inside neatly organized jars. The dark grey walls were also covered in dry blood. There was a table of messy notes and a sturdy door.

The door creaked open and Deku came in. Can I really call him Deku anymore. He sure doesn't act like him. The door clanks shut and Deku starts picking up rather nasty objects. He grabs a small knife. He finally notices that I'm up.

"Lookie you're awake!" He shouts.

The childish voice makes me inwardly cringe. A cold objects slides along my skin and vibrant red blood gushes out, my blood. I look up to see Deku smiling.

I remember when that smile was directed at me. And not in this crazy way. Why am I remembering now. I really hate myself for not being there for him them. I'm so useless. Maybe cause I'm going to die I'm regretting my life. I feel like I've accepted all my death too quickly.

The door creaked open again and there's whispers. Deku comes back with a frown on his face which I think about. A needle pricks me and I fall asleep.

=Izuku P.OV.=

Dad told me that I had to get going for another mission. Though I guess he's telling me that so I can get some subjects for my experiments. So I knocked out Kacchan and dumped him out. I followed dad out excited for a new toy to play with. What a twisted person I've become.

=Katsuki P.O.V.=

I woke up with bright lights flashing. All Might asks what happened. Every since Deku going he's been more stressed. I answered him truthfully except not including Deku. I tell them the location. This will be okay right. Deku is gone. He's a villain so why do I feel guilty.

~3 weeks later~

The result of the battle with the villain alliance was awful. Not counting does missing the death toll was over 100. Innocents and people on both side. We only barely won. I looked over the dead bodies of the villains. I only saw one green head.

I sighed in relief. I'm glad Deku isn't dead. I shouldn't be thinking this way. I have to track him down. He's a villain. I swear I'll help him for all the times I hurt him.

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