More Dares!

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Hanako: Hey guys today my friend Luna's joining us, she's a vampire

Luna: Hey guys!

Everyone: Hey Luna

Hanako: Hey guys I found out why Dottie was acting crazy last time. She was under a spell but don't worry she's fine now, oh and Blaze Dottie still likes you.

Dottie: Wait what? I was acting crazy?

Blaze: Dottie will you be my girlfriend?

Dottie: S-s-s-sure. *blushes*

Everyone except Hanako: Awwwwww.


Misty: Enough of that time for dares! Luna you go first!

Luna: Ok! I dare Blaze to hurt Dottie for 10 minutes!

Blaze: No!

Hanako: As much as I hate to say this you have to do it you signed the contract that said you would do whatever dared we tell you to. Unless you want Ein here to kill you all...

Blaze: Dottie I'm really sorry, it's either I hurt you or Ein kills all of us and I don't want you to die. I have to do this to you.

Dottie: You can do whatever you want to me except break my heart.

Blaze stand up and picks Dottie up bye the (werewolf) ear and pins her to the wall, then he kicks her lightly.

Luna: I said hurt her!

Blaze: *Kicks Dottie hard in the stomach* Sorry for this.

Dottie: *Cries and screams in pain*

10 minutes of Blaze beating Dottie up later (you better of red that in the Sponge Bob narrator voice)

Luna: Ok you can stop now.

Blaze: *checks on Dottie who was now on the floor trying not to cry* Please don't cry. I promise I didn't mean in.

Dottie: I know you didn't Blaze. It just hurts a lot. *starts crying*

Hanako: I can fix that! *waves hand in the air to use magic to remove the pain*

Dottie: Thanks

Hanako: You're welcome, but remember, I only removed the pain, I didn't heal you. I suggest you get some bandages or something.

Blaze: No she doesn't. "Start licking Dottie's stomach since she was wearing a crop top.

Dottie: *starts giggling* Blaze that tickles.

When Blaze is done it looked like nothing ever happened to Dottie

Blaze: All better?

Dottie: *giggles* All better.

Blaze started licking Dottie's neck then he nibbled it. Blaze covered Dottie's mouth with his before biting her hard. Dottie's eyes went wide. Tear's streamed down her face as Blaze dug his fangs into her neck.

Kitty: What's he doing? Is he hurting her!?

Hanako: Relax Kitty, Blaze is just marking her as his. When he's done Dottie will have Blaze's scent and other werewolves will know to back away.

Aaron: *gives Hanako a suspicious look* How did you know that. You're not a werewolf.

Hanako: I just do.

Aaron: *sniffs air* Guys I think there's an Ultima in this room that is not me.

Aphmau: Isn't there only one family of Ultimas?

Aaron: No there is a about 5 Ultima families in the world.

Katelyn: How do you know there is an Ultima near by.

Aaron: Ultimas can always tell when another Ultima is around.

Luna: Who is it?

Aaron: I just said we can tell if there's one around not if you are one or not.

Hanako: I need to use the bathroom...

Hanako runs to the bathroom and checks the mirror to see if her ears and tail popped up. She comes back.

Hanako: Ok guys we need to give you more dares. We only did one.

Kitty: How about Dottie and Blaze?

Hanako: Oh yeah I forgot.

Misty: Hanako what's wrong, you would never forget about your favorite ship.

Hanako: I'm fine.

Misty: No you're not.

Hanako: I'm fine.

Misty: No you're not.

Hanako: I'm fine.

Misty: No you're not.

Hanako: I'm fine.

Misty: No you're not.

Hanako: *one eye turns red and ears and tail pop up* I SAID I'M FINE!!!

(Misty is not affected because she is a Meif'wa not a human)

Everyone: *gasp*

Aaron: If you are a human then cover your eyes!  

Hanako: *covers eyes and runs away*DON'T YOU DARE FOLLOW ME!

Luna: What now?

June: Should we follow her?

Nicole: No way! You heard her.

Misty: So she's both an Ultima and werewolf! And she didn't tell us!

To be continued...

Word count: 665

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