Robert Small

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This was requested by reetheweirdo

Summary: You save Robert's ass because you are a got damn vampire, shit happens later.

Robert was currently bar hoping, alone. Mary would have came but her children got into some things at their school, and Joseph was doing something with the church. Thus, Robert was alone.

However, him being alone was probably a good thing. Why? Because Mr. Small planned on getting some ass tonight. If he didn't get some ass, well then shit. He'll go out another time.

Luckily, he wasn't going home alone tonight, he already had someone in his sights. Small guy, brown hair, also wearing a leather jacket, looks like he seen some things that kept him at night, pulling off the whole "I may be short but I can and will fuck your shit up". Just his type. (If you don't think this is Robert's type, then start thinking it is now)

The 'bad dad' was just about to make his way over to the smaller male when he was stopped by a voice behind him. "I wouldn't if I were you." Robert turned around to be greeted by a man with piercing e/c eyes who was for some reason, wearing a dark blue suit with a rose in the front pocket.

"And why not? Do you even know what I was about to do?" You smiled which reviled you fangs for a few seconds that didn't go unnoticed by Robert. "Samuel doesn't attract just anyone, he attracts people who are looking for a good time. However, anyone he takes home, is never seen or heard of again. In fact, it's like they never existed in the face place. No one has even heard of their name after he's done with them."

Robert was on guard now. What did he just walk into? "He also has some type of disease, not sure what exactly, but I know you will  get it if you have sex with him," you finished taking a sip of your drink.

"And how do you know that?" You shrugged, "I come here a lot, I pick up on things, I see things, I know things." You then pointed to a male with blond hair and a pink hoodie on, "I think he will suit your needs."

Robert narrowed his eyes at said male, "I don't like who he reminds me of." "Perhaps not, but you like sex and he will do."

'Knife dad' sent a suspicious look toward you, "Who are you?" You hummed before you tapped your foot against the floor. "I would go now if I were you, you don't want to lose him to someone else do you?"

Yeah, Robert didn't want to lose him, but it was something about you that pricked Robert's interest. But before he could say anything else to you, you were out of his sights.


Four days later, Robert was back at the very same bar. This time however, he wasn't looking for a good night, he was looking for you. Something was off about you, and the male wanted to find out what.

Upon entering the bar, Robert immediately spotted you; you were sitting at a table for two by yourself with a few empty bar bottles on the table as well as one in your hand. The male made his way over to you and sat down on the chair across from you.

"Good evening tomcat, how is your life going today?" You questioned leaning toward him. "I'm doing as well as I'll ever be. Now, what's your deal?" Robert asked getting straight to the point. You looked down at yourself, "Oh why I'm wearing a lab coat? I'm a doctor at the nearby hospital. They call me Dr. Sexy," you purred at the end.

That wasn't what Robert wanted answered, but at least he knew something about you. "I'm assuming that wasn't want you wanted answered was it, Robert?" The man tensed, "How do you know my name?"

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