Jesse McCree

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Summary: You should know better than to summon a demon

World Background: This kinda takes place in our world right now. However, in this strange creatures exist. They are separated by their nature, holy, neutral , and evil.  The holy are very accepted in this world as they keep the evil away, but they usually are only in the heavens. The neutral makes up most of the population, they aren't truly holy or evil, but they usually lean toward the more holy side. Lastly, there are the evil. They are everything bad you can ever even think of. So much as even thinking about them may make you curse. Luckily, they can only be summoned by the neutral or holy. Do not trust them, no matter how weak they may seem.

Jesse never really considered himself as a holy, it just didn't seem right to him, at best he was at least a neutral. However, when he was born the gods somehow thought he would make a good holy, how wrong they were. Perhaps the evil gods created him this way. Did evil gods even exist?

Maybe they did at some point. If they did, they were forgotten in history. Which of course meant they no longer existed, after all, in order for the gods to exist they have to have believers. Maybe the evil believed in them, but maybe they didn't have enough power to do anything. That's a fun thought to keep you awake it night.

Jesse never considered himself a holy. Maybe that was why he was alone in his house at 2 AM in the morning on a Friday night about to summon a demon, you know, normal Friday night activities.

Jesse wasn't even sure how he even learned to summon a demon. It just came to him one lonely day, perhaps the evil gods came into his mind and gave him this 'gift'. How funny would it be for them to find a holy who didn't consider themself a holy. Whatever would happen would surely bring them some entertainment.

((This is taking to long and y'all probably just here to fuck everyone's favorite cowboy))

McCree gasped as his own fingers slid inside of him, just as you watched leaning against a nearby wall. In short, you were bored. This wasn't anything you haven't seen before. Granted, you've never been summoned by a holy  before. The one who just so happened to summon you was good looking, but other than that, nothing new.

Jesse gasped, face flushed, hair a mess, as his three fingers worked their magic inside him. "Ya know, this would go a lot smoother if you jus' helped," the male gasped out.

You raised your eyebrows and lifted up one of your hands to show your sharpened claws. If you were to apply enough force, they could possibly take someone's throat out. "Oh sweetie, this is a kind of pain you would not want to feel anytime soon. However, you seem to be ready for me to go in, so let's get this over with."

You pushed yourself off the wall with one hand as the other focused on taking off the tunic you were wearing. You took less than a second to take it off, seeming as you wanted to hurry the fuck up. This was your job for as long as you could remember, a couple hundred years maybe. As time goes on, you stop giving a crap about what you do. You knew you were a good fuck, no point in taking more time than needed. 

"Take your hands from inside yourself," you ordered as you rubbed your dick creating lube from seemingly thin air. "I can tell you are uncomfortable doing that in front of me, even though you do it alone."

Jesse obeyed your command, but taking the fingers out made him feel even more exposed than he already was at this point. That last comment did catch him off guard, however. "How'd you know about that? I don't show that t' nobody."

"As an evil specifically about sex, I know everything sexual you've ever done and thought off. It's just one of my abilities. Now, what are you into?"

You moved to stand over the male, and he didn't like this feeling one bit. He has had sex with other people, and yes they looked down on him like this, but they were never an evil. He has a holy for living sake! Holy's are the ones looking down on evils before killing them. This role reversal was very different than what he was used to, but it kind of made him feel, excited?

You rolled your eyes; this man was taking too long to reply. You leaned over him before grabbing him by the chin and staring into his eyes. The exchange took no longer than three seconds, and you let go after that. "Your into over simulation? That's nice, it's been a while since I played with that one. Spanking, and degradation? This will be an easy job for sure."

Jesse felt hot all over. He wasn't sure how he felt about all this. Usually the partner that he's with will have to figure out all these things by themselves, it was how Jesse knew he was going to be serious with the person. But you could just read everything about him like a book. It was a weird feeling, but nice at the same time since it meant that this would be enjoyable. 

You placed your hands on each side of the male as your brought your fiddle stick (that's right, this shit is back) closer to his hole and pushed it in. Holy shit was he tighter than a screw done by the strongest man in the world. 

Jesse hissed as he grabbed the satin sheets beneath him. "W-whoa there, i-it's been a while since I've done this. Jus' give me-couple seconds to take it in. And how come you don't have a condom?"

You sighed, what was up with this guy wanting to have a conversation during this. "Sexual evils cannot come. Well we can, but that's only if they truly love the person they're having sex with. It's a way to control us so we don't have children left and right. Good thinking by the gods right there."

"Got damn, so ya mean t' tell me you never had an orgasm in your life?"

"I don't recall ever saying that, but okay," you replied fully pushing the rest of your fickle stick in. You groaned, doing this with a holy felt so much different than what you were used to. Crap, did having sex with a holy just feel better than with others? That's not even fair. 

"Okay, Jesse, do you want me to spank you with my hand or with a paddle?" You questioned, continuing with your slow pace. Had to go slow before you picked up speed. That way it'll send my pleasure to the summoner.

Jesse looked at your hand, then looked around him. He shouldn't be doing this. He was a holy! Even if he was a neutral, they don't do this. Okay, yes, some of them did, but not the ones who had standards for themselves. And dang-it, Jesse couldn't allow this to happen, not if he ever wanted to have pride in himself again. 

"Neither," he finally replied.

"Hm, okay, not wanting to go through with your kinks. Unusual, but not uncommon," you thought aloud, beginning to pick up your pace and pound into the male harder.

Jesse gasped, he needed to leave. Finally, after a couple more minutes, he spoke out. "I-I need to leave, stop."

You immediately stopped and pulled out. "I hope you realized that you are, in fact, a holy, Jesse McCree. You should be happy for yourself, you're not like the rest of us." With that, you snapped your talon-like fingers, and Jesse was alone back in his apartment with the summoning gone.

995 *Sips tea from Harry Potter mug* So, uh, guess who's back? Yeah, I know, I haven't updated this shit since February, and I really don't have an excuse.  Remember that joke I made, saying I'll update every two weeks or so? Good times. This small part right here will probably turn into it's own little story at some point on my AO3 account. I do read every notification on this book. 

Some of you guys have unique reading list names... Anyway, due to popular demand, Steve will get a smutty part two! I promise it won't take another five months for me to post it. I'll start replying to some comments now 995

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