Chapter 6-Fairy Tale?

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The weekend went by pretty slowly, which was odd, because usually that sucker just flew by. Hiromasa and I hung out doing the usual stuff, playing games and watching TV. I even went over and helped him watch his sisters on Sunday so his mom could take a much needed break. You would think watching three rowdy little girls might make time go by a little faster, but it didn't really work as well as I'd hoped. At least I fell asleep a little bit faster on Sunday, which got me that much closer to Monday morning. Looking forward to school? What was wrong with me? I must have been going out of my mind.

When I got to class, I immediately focused on Saki's seat, which was stupid, because I knew she probably wasn't going to show up until it was nearly time for class to start.

"Morning," Hiromasa said as I sat down.

"Hey," I said.

"Listen." Hiromasa leaned towards me. "I don't think I can get away with being out so late on a weekday. Is there any way we can get Saki to tone it down until the weekend?"

I laughed. "We can try, but I get the feeling she kind of goes at one speed."

"No kidding."

As I expected, Saki strolled into the classroom less than a minute before the final bell, and flopped down in her seat.

"Good morning," Hiromasa said.

She sighed. "If you say so."

"How did you possibly get the timing down to only get here seconds before the bell rings?" I asked.

"It's an art form," she replied, with a grin.

The bell rang and class started.

Just like last time, Saki went straight into doodling. Hiromasa was his usual attentive self. My attention ended up being kind of split. I copied the board down, but my gaze kept drifting towards Saki.

I watched her run her pen over the paper and realized I was smiling for no reason at all. Then, it hit me, as if someone had etched the word "obvious" into a brick and threw it at my stupid face. I was in love with her. When had that happened? That night we broke windows? The first day I saw her at school? Before that, when we were thirteen? I wasn't sure. The only thing I was sure about was that it was true. The fact was irrefutable now.

Unfortunately, this realization didn't really help me much. There wasn't anything I could do with this information. After all, Saki didn't believe in love. Leave it to me to fall for the only high school girl who didn't think romance was a thing. So then, one simple question remained: How do you start a relationship with someone who thought they were a waste of time?

When lunch period started, Hiromasa moved over to the seat in front of Saki, got out his bento box, and set it on her desk.

"Does your mom pack you lunch every day?" Saki asked.

"Usually." Hiromasa plucked the pickled plum out of his rice and stuck it in his mouth.

Saki, again, didn't have any food. This time I came prepared. I pulled out one egg sandwich and one with cheese and tomato.

"Pick one." I dangled the packages in front of Saki.

"Why?" she asked.

I shrugged. "They were on sale."

She scowled. "Do you intend to keep giving me food?"

"Probably," I said.

"Well, piss off. I don't need you to buy me things." She turned towards the window.

I sighed. "Listen. I can't eat if you don't eat."

"Why?" she asked without turning back around.

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