Chapter 24-Dying Light

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It was early afternoon on the last weekend of our summer vacation. Hiromasa and I had just gotten off at the station nearest Miyasoto's place and were making our way down the neighborhood sidewalk towards her apartment. The plan was to pick up the girls there and then continue the rest of the way to the festival. Hiromasa seemed kind of anxious, but excited at the same time.

"Listen," I said while we walked. "At the end of the festival, when we're watching the fireworks, you should hold Miyasoto's hand."

"Wh-what?" he stammered. "Where is this coming from?"

I sighed. "Just do it."

He rubbed the back of his head and looked at the ground. "What if she doesn't want me to?"

"Of course she does. Don't overthink it. Just reach over and take her hand. Where did all this nervousness come from again, anyway? You were getting really assertive with Saki. Maybe you just need some whisky?" I smirked.

He shook his head, continuing to look down. "When she turned me down, it sort of knocked my confidence down a few pegs, you know?" He looked up at me and chuckled. "No, I guess you wouldn't."

"I can't say I've felt exactly what you're feeling, but I can understand," I said. "I don't think you should be worried, though. Miyasoto doesn't strike me as someone who would agree to date anyone on a whim. She thought it through. Trust me. She wants to hold your hand."

He stared at me for a moment before smiling and nodded firmly. "Alright. I'll do it. Thanks, Kaito."

I shook my head. "Don't mention it."

When we got to her apartment a few minutes later, Hiromasa started to knock, but his hand froze inches from the door.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"What if one of her parents answers it?" he asked, casting a nervous gaze at the door.

"Then you introduce yourself." I shrugged.

"How can you be so calm?" he asked. "I did not mentally prepare for this."

"That's alright. You're better like this. No time to get nervous." I knocked on the door.

Hiromasa squeaked. "What did you do that for?"

I just grinned in response.

He let out a sigh of relief when Miyasoto answered the door a few moments later. She was wearing a black yukata decorated generously with deep pink and purple flowers of varying sizes. Her obi was a lighter pink and embossed with flowers as well. She'd lightly curled her short hair and placed a purple bow on the side. Hiromasa stared at her wide eyed.

"So pretty." His voice was barely audible.

"What?" She tilted her head to the side.

I jabbed him in the side with my elbow and he jumped.

"Ah." He waved his hands out in front of him. "That is...I mean...You look really pretty." He blushed and looked to the side.

She smiled and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, her face coloring a bit as well. "Thanks."

There is something really adorable about young, innocent love. I was really happy for them, but I couldn't help feeling just a little jealous. I quickly pushed the thoughts of self-pity from my mind. This was no time to be feeling sorry for myself. I got to spend the day with my friends, especially Saki. That was reason enough to be happy.

"Hey, Saki," Miyasoto called into the apartment. "Come on already."

Saki appeared behind Miyasoto with a lengthy sigh. Both girls stepped out into the hall and Miyasoto shut the door behind them.

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