Chapter 13-Glittering Shards

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Kiss him? I don't know what pissed me off more, the fact that he asked, or the fact that it was such a good play. I might have clapped, had I not wanted to reach over and punch him. What was with this guy? Get a few drinks in him, and suddenly he got all bold. I focused all of my mental strength into silently willing her to take a drink. No such luck.

She smiled and scooted closer to him. I really didn't want to watch, but I couldn't look away either. I was transfixed. He closed his eyes and blushed as she leaned in. Her lips went straight to his forehead. His eyes shot open. She kissed him like you would a cute animal or a small child, then giggled and went back to her cushion. I was so happy I nearly sprang from the table cheering.

"That's cheating," he protested.

Saki shook her head. "You weren't specific enough."

"Serves you right," I said.

He folded his arms and grumbled under his breath.

"So?" she asked.

"Truth," he mumbled.

"Did you feel dirty on the train ride home?" Saki grinned and poked his arm. "Were you thinking everyone would figure out your secret?" She poked him again.

He sighed. "What is this obsession with my boxers all about?"

"Now, now," Saki said. "It's not your turn to ask questions."

He turned his head away from her. "I walked very carefully and kept my legs clamped shut on the train."

She clapped and giggled. Hiromasa sighed again and looked over at me.

"Guess," I said.

He smiled. "Who are you in love with now?"

I gritted my teeth. When the hell had this become a tag team? I took my second shot. It was just as terrible as the first one.

"Ask your stupid question," Saki said, pouring whisky into my glass.

"Why does your mother have these emotional outbursts?" I asked.

Saki didn't hesitate before taking a shot this time. Too far, then? That was alright. I didn't actually expect her to answer that question. I just wanted to test the boundaries a little.

"Still going with truth?" she asked.

I nodded.

"What's your type?"

Trying to work it out by process of elimination now? What could I say? I couldn't exactly go, "I like women with straight long hair and attitude problems," now could I? I took my final drink.

Saki grinned. "You're screwed next time."

She was absolutely right. How the hell had I become the first one to use up all my outs? I had a decent plan in the beginning.

"Truth or dare?" I asked Hiromasa.

"Dare." He said and sighed. "I can't handle any more questions about my boxers."

"I dare you to take another shot," I said.

"What kind of dare is that?" He gestured at his glass. "I could take a pass and it would still be the same thing."

"Should be an easy one then," I said.

He sighed and took his drink.

"I'm assuming you didn't pass." Saki poured some more in his glass.

"Nope. I'm still doing better than this guy." He jerked his thumb at me. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said.

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