truth of lies

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Tristan's pov

I was making some coffee in the team 1o house as I hear Tessa come running down the stairs with sadness in her expression. I hardly ever come around the team 10 house ever sence chance and Tessa got together but they broke up so I have been hanging around Tessa again. I really love her.
TT(Tristan): Oh hey tessles u ok?
T: just.....fine.....
She's breathing heavily and it's scaring me. I see her slowly walk towards the silverware drawer.
TT: Tessa?
Erika starts to notice and walks over to Tessa
E: Tessa????
Tessa opens the drawer and grabs a knife out and raises it to her shoulder upper arm area and starts to lower it but I run over to her as well as Erika so Tessa lowers it quick. She makes a small slit into her upper arm as Erika rips the knife out of her hand and I grab her waist. Tessa screams
T: GIVE IT BACK! End my pain plz!!!!
E: no! Tristan hep! Anthony get jake!
(The rest you all know)
As me and Erika load into the ambulance I go over to Tessa and kiss her soft lips. She opens her eyes slightly and whispers something I couldn't quite make out.
E: I'll-I'll kill ch-chance for this.
TT: what do you mean
E: I heard the fighting. Chance didn't care about Tessa's feelings. She had enough and wanted to end it. Jake has to kick Chance out.
TT: I agree I'll talk to him later .
At the hospital

Jakes pov
I run into the room and Erika stops me right as I walk in
E: come into the hall
We walk into the hall a phew feet away from the room.
J: what??
E: kick Chance out immediately he has it get out!
J: I already tried
E: wait. What
J: he swung at me and punched me when I told him his contract is over! I almost got knocked out until toner came and tackled him! Thank god for him! It turns out anything didn't know that chessa was still together because Chance had been telling him lies.
E: shit
J: ya
E: Tessa is fine and she's being prescribed antidepressants and we can go home in an hour sence the cut wasn't deep at all.
J: good! Good. (Phone buzzes) Chance is on his way back to Ohio according to toner.
E: thank god

Authors note-
Hey guys I hope you like the chapter! I will be updating weekly and will let you know if the story is over but not for a while! What shop do you ship Tessa in? If this gets to 5 voted before next Friday I'll release it early!!!! Bye 👋🏻

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