4 months later
Tessa's pov
I can't beige it's been two months since team 1 split. It's all hanged fault anyway! He sin jail now for god knows what! Same with toner sence he was lying about not knowing to stay in team 10 jake kicked him out. He ended up becoming an homeless drug addict who punched a cop and got arrested. Me and Tristan started getting really close after he helped save me. I love him so much. Tomorow is our 1 month and I'm so happy! Erika lives with us in the mansion we bought for the remaining members of what was team 10. Me Tristan Erika Jake nick chad and Emilio. Ivan died in a car crash the well before team ten split. We don't know who the other driver was but a lot of us think it was either Chance or toner since they were spotted in downtown la that same day. Erika and Jake are together as well . We all stopped blogging as soon as Ivan died. We all lost ourselves for a while. But we are doing better now! Nick and chad have gotten close . Kade and Nathan live next door but like having their own place so they don't live with us. Emilio is still not ok. He cries Almost every day . He got his visa tho. He can't drive because it bring back to many memories. After all he saw it happen. He regrets not seeing who was in the other car because he was passed out after impact. We miss Ivan. Sometimes chad accidentally calls Emilio Ivan which makes if worse . Team 10 is really gone