all the tears you're gonna cry

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Los Angeles, 2017

The sirens on the police car wail, and the blue lights a flash as Aiden speeds down the highway. It's been two weeks since that night at the airport with Rio, but that doesn't mean that Aiden hasn't talked to the singer.

Between Rio's busy schedule, they would text, talk on the phone, or FaceTime, and then Rio would be whisked off to the next event. But the attention that Aiden had been receiving had long since died down.

His father was right. He only had fifteen seconds of fame.

"Make this left right up here." Michael says from the passenger's seat, and Aiden does, swinging the car left and speeding down the street, maneuvering between cars with ease. "You been practicing, Hero Cop?"

Michael was the only person who still called Aiden that, and he had long since gotten tired of it. He only does it because he knows it makes Aiden mad.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Aiden says, keeping his eyes trained on the road as he narrowly dodges a tow truck.

Michael chuckles. "It's this house on the right."

Aiden pulls into the driveway, skidding to a stop. He and Michael get out of the car, guns drawn as they approach the front door.

They stand on either side of it, looking at one another. When Aiden gives the note, they burst in, guns drawn.

"LAPD!" Michael shouts as the scene before them comes into view.

A woman, eye blackening and swelling, blood dripping from her nose and busted lip, sits against the wall, sobbing loudly.

Her husband, ironically wearing a dirty wife beater, walks into the room. Aiden notices his reddened knuckles and the specks of blood on his shirt.

"Put your hands up!" Michael shouts at him, both of their guns drawn on him.

"You called the cops, bitch?" He snarls in his wife's direction, who flinches merely at his words.

"Aye, watch your damn mouth." Aiden growls at him, pointing his gun. "And put your fucking hands up like we said."

The man gives his wife one last dirty look before raising his hands into the air and offering them a smile. "It's alright, officers. There's no problems here. My wife just doesn't know when I'm playing, and when I'm not."

"Doesn't look like you were playing to me." Michael says, slowly approaching him. "She's damn near unconscious."

"You beat a female like she was a fucking man." Aiden seethes. "There's a special place in hell for sick bastards like you." Aiden gets even closer, but then there's a flash of something from his past —

Diggy standing in front of a kneeling Seven. BANG!

Aiden blinks, back in reality, and taking a step back for a moment. Michael notices this, and then looks down at the beaten woman, who's shakily standing to her feet, bracing herself against the wall.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called." She says, her voice thick with tears. "It was a mistake."

"See officers," the husband says with a wicked grin, "I told you we didn't have a problem here."

"I deserved it." She says, her eyes trained on the floor like a child in trouble. "I shouldn't have provoked him."

"What? Look at your face." Aiden says, he didn't want to see this happen.

"So what you're saying is that you don't want to press charges?" Michael questions.

She shakes her head. "No, no. I'm sorry I wasted your time."

 BEYOND THE LIGHTS «j.p.»Where stories live. Discover now