no one to hold you

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Los Angeles, 2017

A few hours later and they're back in LA. Rio stares out of the window as they arrive back in the city, Aiden steals glances over at him, and he knows that there's a world of thought in Rio's beautiful mind. Aiden, too, has a lot on his mind. Right now, he's worried about facing his father again after the harsh things he said outside of the BET Awards. In the moment, it felt like he meant it, but rethinking things, he wasn't so sure he was capable of hating the man. Despising him, sure, but hate seemed like a stretch. Aiden wasn't a hateful person.

That's why Rio was so attracted to him. As Rio turns to look at Aiden with a smile, all he can think about is how lucky he is to have found someone so genuine, so caring, and so vulnerable around him. It was easy to fall in love with Aiden, and Rio had done it.

Rio takes his ring out of his pocket and slides it back on his finger, smiling as he admires it.

"You know she's just going to make you take it off again." Aiden says.

"Yeah, I know." Rio says. "But I want to enjoy it right now. Put yours back on."

With one hand on the wheel, Aiden reaches into his pocket and takes out his own ring, sliding it back onto his finger and then taking Rio's hand in his own, bringing it to his lips to kiss his knuckles.

Rio smiles. "See, now we're just a happily married couple driving down the freeway together."

"All we're missing is a kid." Aiden says, giving Rio a suggestive look.

Rio smirks and shakes his head. "I want it to be me and you for a little while, and then we can start thinking about that. Besides, we gotta get that political career of yours started."

"You know my chances of winning would be much higher if we had a baby." Aiden says suggestively.

Rio laughs. "Babe, I'm a baby enough for you to handle."

Aiden chuckles and nods in agreement. "You're right."

They sit there in silence for a moment, Aiden's smile fading again as he starts to think about his father.

"What's wrong?" Rio asks, reaching up and rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm just..." Aiden says, trailing off as he tries to think of a way to put it. "I'm not ready to face my dad yet."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rio asks.

"No, you have your meeting to get to." Aiden says. "I can't stop you from taking control of your career. Besides, I think this is something I need to do on my own."

Rio nods his head. "You got this, babe. Just remember, everything is going to be alright."

Aiden looks over at Rio and smiles before pulling into the parking garage to Rio's penthouse. They park and Daphne gets out of the car in front of them. Rio leans over, giving Aiden a lingering goodbye kiss.

"Good luck." Aiden murmurs against his lips.

"You too." Rio says, giving him one last quick peck before opening his door.

"Rio," Aiden says before he gets out, Rio turning back to look at him. "I love you."

"I love you." Rio replies with a smile, and then he gets out of the car. He follows Daphne to the door that leads into the lobby, turning back around at the door to wave goodbye to Aiden, and then disappearing inside. Aiden puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking garage, his heart thundering in his chest as he thinks about what's going to come next.

 BEYOND THE LIGHTS «j.p.»Where stories live. Discover now