you'll never love again

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Mexico, 2017

"Are you absolutely sure you know what you're doing?" Rio asks, his palms a little sweaty as he sits in the chair with the towel draped over his shoulders. He looks at his appearance in the mirror, his face etched with worry as his eyes drift up to meet Aiden's.

"Of course, baby." Aiden says, grabbing the clippers and plugging them into the wall. "I told you, you've got nothing to worry about. I been cutting my pop's hair for a long time now. I mean, yours can't be much different right?"

Rio gives him an incredulous look in the mirror, and Aiden chuckles.

"Look, do you wanna do this or not?" Aiden asks, holding the clippers up and looking at Rio in the mirror.

Does he want to do this? It's definitely a good question, and he's definitely starting to question his own decision. When Aiden mentioned he cut hair, earlier that morning, Rio couldn't help but be intrigued. He wanted a new look, something that might help him not get noticed as quickly in Mexico.

"Okay," Rio says, biting his bottom lip and nodding his head.

A small smile pulls at the corners of Aiden's lips as he turns the clippers on. Rio screws his eyes shut as he hears the buzzing noise get closer and closer to his head, until he hears the unmistakable sound of hair being cut, and he knows there's no turning back now.

When he's finally done, which feels like an eternity for Rio, Aiden blows the hair out of the guide of the clippers and looks at his masterpiece with a proud grin. He did much better than he thought he was going to, even though he'd never admit that to the singer.

"All done, Rio." Aiden says. "That'll be fifteen bucks."

Rio slowly pops one eye open, afraid of what he might see, but when he gets a look at his head, he can't help but smile widely.

"It actually looks good." Rio says, touching the sides of his head which have been tapered and faded, and then running his hands through the mess of curls on top of his head. "It makes me look older. In a good way of course."

"I think it makes you look sexier." Aiden says, leaning down and gently biting Rio's earlobe. "Makes me wanna bend you over this bathroom counter right now, baby."

"Well, too bad." Rio says, standing up. "Because I'm gonna take a shower and you're gonna pull up a map of how to get to town."

Aiden gives him a look. "That's cold."

Rio smiles with a smirk, dropping his robe teasingly, and then turning on the shower and stepping in.

"That's even colder!" Aiden says, contemplating for a moment getting into the shower with Rio, but then chuckling and putting the clippers away and grabbing a broom to sweep up the hair.


After his shower and when he's dressed, Rio takes another look at his hair when he's done drying it, and he can't believe that Aiden actually did a good job. He didn't know what he expected, but this wasn't it.

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