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My mother appeared into the room after a while, she was holding a yellow plastic bag in one hand, and a umbrella in the other. She halted when she noticed me. "Oh, hi."
That's all she said to me for the rest of the day. We were both quiet tho. There was nothing to say, nothing to do, other than wait for dad to wake up. We ate a little bit from time to time. Mom had bought rice cakes and other little snacks. Although I had lost all my appetite.

Time went by painfully slow, a minute felt like an hour, an hour felt like a century. Time seemed to take it time to tick. It almost seemed to stop completely

I knew i had to leave soon, I had been sitting in that good awful room for a day now. I had to get home, I had to shower and I still had to go to school tomorrow. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. Sitting cooped up in that sterilized, white room, where you could constantly hear the sound of machines buzzing, didn't help anyone.

"Mom, I'll be back soon, ok. I need to get some sleep. I'll come back tomorrow after school, aight."

Mom didn't look at me. She just kept holding dads hand, her eyes wet from tears and nodded.

I felt so bad for leaving her there.

It felt wrong.


Sorry my updates are getting short and bad and boring hdhdhshjs sorry hEH

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