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ethan: hey avery

ethan: i know that you hate me but
i'm desperate. i need your help.

avery: Who is this?

ethan: it's ethan. i know i'm out of line but i
really need your help. i need to talk to hailey

avery: HAHAHA

avery: Please.

avery: You think you deserve any help right

avery: Hailey and I might not get along much, we
might not like each other much, but you're psycho
if you think I'm going to let you anywhere near her

ethan: i was stupid. we were seniors in high
school and all the guys thought you were the
hottest girl at Thompson and it was immature,
i'm sorry for doing that to you av

avery: I'm not worried about me. My crush on you
was just that — a crush. We had sex and you
dumped me on my ass before that had a chance to
go any further.

avery: I'm worried about Hailey. She was in love
with you.

ethan: i'm in love with her

avery: HA. That's why she had to hear about
what happened from me?

avery: You never told her a thing, Ethan.
As far as she knew during the whole time
you guys dated, you and I were strangers.

avery: You don't deserve her.

ethan: no i don't deserve her but i fucking need
her okay? i'm selfish and just this once i'm willing
to accept that because i need hailey.

ethan: please avery, just this once please help me

avery is typing...

avery: How do I know you're not going to screw
her over again?

ethan: if i ever hurt hailey again, i'd be the one
handing you the gun.

avery: ... God I'm going to fucking regret this. What
do you need help with?


uhhhh hi i wanna make more friends on here plz be my friend i'm el

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