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ethan: uh good morning

ethan: i left your house pretty early, i knew you
wouldn't be too happy to find out i stayed over so
i just wanted to make it a little bit easier on you

ethan: you fell asleep in my arms but don't worry,
i didn't sleep on your bed with you, i just made a
bed on your floor

ethan: but yeah i just wanted to let you know... i
love you hailey. i'm sorry i made you cry but i'm
happy you talked to me a little bit yesterday. i'm
glad we got to do that.

hailey is typing...

hailey: thank you

hailey: you should know that i'm still really hurt. and
you should know that nothing has changed.

hailey. but last night was

hailey: really nice

ethan: i thought so too

hailey: and i dont mind that you stayed over i
guess.. i mean you didn't even sleep in my bed
with me

ethan: to be honest, it reminded me of when
we were together, seeing you fall asleep while
i was holding onto you

ethan: and i didn't mind sleeping on the floor either

ethan: i'd sleep better on your floor than i ever would in my bed


i'm obsessed with that lyric i had to include it eeeek !!! anyway this is kind of a filler i'm sorry, idk if i wanna double update or not?!!!

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