Chapter 1~ The Meet and Greet

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Cleo was humming along to Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath. Her black chevelle was purring as she drove along in Kansas. She had seen a nice black sixty-seven Impala driving, she was determined to park her seventy Chevelle next to it and take a picture. You can say Cleo has a real thing for taking pictures of classic cars. Her best friend who happens to be eight years old was named by Cleo and even has her adoption papers. "So, where would you like to eat Scarlet?",Cleo asked. Her blue eyes look back, the blonde with dark blue eyes looked back. "We will see when I get in the front.",Scarlet mumbled. Cleo turned into burger joint. "Well looks like that isn't happening.",Cleo smiled. Scarlet eyes grew wide."That is clever.",Scarlet said. Cleo turned the purring Chevelle off and let Scarlet from her seat. "Now if you see that Impala my dear Scar, you let me know.",Cleo spoke. "Even in the middle of eating?",Scarlet questioned, a smirk playing on her lips. "My dear, you are so like me.",Cleo laughed. Scarlet smiled and grabbed Cleo's hand, walking into the burger place. "I see no hot guys so I have to pay full price.",Cleo thought, keeping a smile so Scarlet doesn't worry herself to death. Cleo helped Scarlet into her seat, eyes were always on her and that angered Cleo. The waitress walked up to them."Hey, how may I help you today?",she asked, her name tag read Rosemary. "I would like a burger hold the mayonnaise, pickles, and onions. How about you, Scarlet?",Cleo looked towards the little girl. "You're daughter is cute.",Rosemary smiled. "She's my adopted daughter.",Cleo corrected. "My bad.",Rosemary whispered. "I want the same as Cleo.",Scarlet answered. "Any drinks?",Rosemary said. "Two cokes please.",Cleo smiled. Heading off towards the Kitchen she left. The roar of another car came, Cleo turned her head. There pulled into empty spot was the sixty-seven Impala. Scarlet eyes lit up in pure joy. "We'll wait.",Cleo muttered. Two guys walked in, the shorter one winked at Rosemary. Sitting behind Cleo and Scarlet was the owners of the Impala. "Whoever owns that Chevelle must be older.",the short one says. Cleo turned around, eyes lighting up. "I'm pretty sure I'm not old.",she smirked. His eyes widen and his mouth fell."You own that beauty?",he gaped. "Yes I do, passed down from my dad.",Cleo replied. "Dean Winchester.",Dean spoke. Something sounded familiar about that name in Cleo's mind."I'm Cleo Jameson and this my adopted daughter Scarlet.",Cleo smiled. "My name is Sam.",Sam smiled back. "If you don't mind asking, after my burger can I park my car next to yours?",Cleo questioned. "Sure, be sure I get a picture too.",Dean said with a laugh. Cleo winked. "Isn't your birthday in a few days?",Scarlet blurted out. "Yes, October twelfth.",Cleo responded. "Ah, twenty-one to twenty-two .",Scarley smirked, something flashing in her eyes. Cleo looked over to Rosemary who carried their food. "Thanks!",Cleo exclaimed. "Let's dig in.",Scarlet said, looking over to Sam and Dean who was making flirting remarks to Rosemary.

Walking out of the burger joint, Cleo pulled her up her car to Dean's. Snapping a quick photo and leaving a picture under the Impala's windshield. Cleo pulled out, her car purring as they pulled into traffic. Scarlet laid her head against the window and closed her eyes. "Here we go little motel.",Cleo smiled. They pulled into their motel complex. Cleo carried Scarlet in and set down on the couch. Going through her papers, Cleo sat down at the table. Her map was filled with tiny red stars, marking the places they have been down with blue. Cleo walked away from them, she was still trying to find the clues that her father left before she killed him. Like as Cleo says "killers can't go on killing without being killed". Cleo tossed on some black shorts and a black tee. She flopped down into her bed, sleep frosting over her body. "Alpha alpha.",she growled out. A knocking sound startled Cleo, her arms ready to fight. Scarlet let out a sheepish smile."Sorry, got hungry.".Scarlet said with the television on some cartoon. "We ate a while ago.",Cleo spoke. "More like four hours ago.",Scarlet pointed to the dark sky. "You could have closed the windows.",Cleo muttered. Closing the windows and made sure both of the locks where locked. Scarlet just ate her ice cream bar while sitting on the couch. Cleo sat down next to her watching the cartoon. "Aren't you to old for cartoons?",Scarlet asked. "Um no I'm only twenty one not a hundred and twenty one .",Cleo eyes flashed. Scarlet smirked. "It's called "SpongeBob".", Scarlet said. "I watched that show when I was your age.",Cleo said with a grumble. "So then this show is super old.",Scarlet smirked, watching Cleo's reaction. Cleo rolled her eyes and slumped down into the couch. Cleo stood up and grabbed her computer, surfing the web for anything to be hunted. Scarlet laid down and watch the show, her eyes were wide open. "Who I'am going to stay with if you find something to hunt?",Scarlet asked. Cleo put her hand to her face."You think you can handle yourself? It's about time I let you handle yourself.",Cleo thought. "I know how to use a gun. And don't worry I won't feel like you are leaving me to do die.",Scarlet explained. "These phone numbers are here if I ever get killed on duty.".Cleo pointed to a paper. "I'm You'll never get killed.",Scarlet smiled.

About two hours into searching Cleo found something. "Heart ripped out, sounds like a werewolf.",Cleo murmured. She tossed on black pants, a red flannel with a black tank top. Cleo gave Scarlet the numbers and a small handgun. "I seen so irresponsible and like a lame parents.",Cleo thought, her head spinning with worry. Cleo turned and left before she rushes back into there. "Leaving her here is better than bringing her.",Cleo assured herself. Cleo let the engine purr and put her bag beside of her in the passenger seat. Speeding around the curbs, she was drifting. She parked and watched the cops pull the body away. Shock froze through as she saw that Impala. She spotted the guys she met earlier in the day. They had on FBI suits, Cleo sank back into her seat. Everybody left the area but Cleo and them. She watched them go back to the car, to her surprise they left too. Getting out of her car she walked to the area. Blood laid in the woods, scents came flooding to Cleo. She walked checking around and followed the blood trail. She walked even deeper into the woods. There was a broken house, falling apart at one side. A werewolf came running at her, Cleo threw him away from him. Throwing her fist to the side of his face. Blood pouring from his nose."You aren't...",Cleo stabbed him and left his body. Anger clawed inside of her."Monsters always say that.",she growled. Growls laced in the woods but when Cleo chased to the source nothing was there.

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