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His face now was innocently happy, and it suited him best. "Cool deal." I sit down since that altercation took up until my break time. "Wanna go shopping after my shift?"

"Sure," Dameon smiles, "Telling her off felt good~ I've always wanted to do that~ for so long." Huh... seems confidence is going to help him... I hope it stays... otherwise we ain't---

"Dameon!" Thomas busts in and glomps him.

"Th-Thomas?" Dameon flinches but hugs an old friend back, "Thomas, right?"

"Yeah! Dude! You got a special someone? Kids? What's the scoop? I've missed you!" Thomas grins.

"Joshua, I'm taking care of two kids, and I'm working on leaving my house more often,"Dameon answers back, "You?"

"I'm Joshua's boss," Thomas smiles, "Thank you for the wedding gifts and baby gifts."

Dameon actually sent in stuff? Wow/... I didn't know that... it's just like with Grandpa, there's so much that I don't know at all about Dameon... he's a shut in that's recovering... but he's got a portion of his lfe that's foreign to me...

"No problem," Dameon smiles, "I mean we play World of Warcraft together now and then. I gotta take care of you."What? More stuff I don't know about? Maybe Dameon doesn't need me at all... "Plus, you and me and Joshua all used to go to the arcade." Dameon was smiling again as though he were happier than he's been in a long while.

"So what're you doing?" Thomas smiles.

"Making Joshua's food up for his lunch,"Dameon answers while serving me... his face hasn't changed, neither has his aura or body language... but I know he's scheming. He's too intelligent to show it.

Dameon's P.O.V.

Thomas smiles at me, "That's good." Thomas is usually barely skimming by... to get Joshua off for the rest of the day.... I'll have to offer something if he won't just let Joshua go... Of course, I think Thomas will automatically barter with me. He always has.

"Say, Thomas," I smile and offer him a shrimp onigiri... he loves shrimp.

"Yes?" Thomas knows I'm up for a barter if needed.

"Mind if Joshua takes off the rest of the day?" We make eye contact and I see a glint of hope.

"Dameon, I need to work," Joshua pipes up.

"Why?" I smile, "Anything you need?"

"I gotta pay my rent," Joshua frowns, "So don't exclude me from a conversation about me."

"but I can pay your bills," I blink, "You always take such good care of me. I want to take good care of you, too."

"Dameon," Joshua frowns, "what if I annoy you then?" Why would he think that?

"Uh, no," I blink again, "I love... you..." I blurt before I could stop it and flush red. Awkwardly, I sit down and watch Joshua eat with a similar awkwardness.

Thomas busts out laughing, "Joshua, you are officially a part-timer!" He is still laughing, "Get the hell out of here, okay?"

"Dameon..." Joshua is eating awkwardly still while Thomas leaves, "I love you too."

The rest of the food goes by quietly. Then Joshua helps me clean up.

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