3. Minnie Mouse

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               My face instantly became red, I quickly turned back to my bag so Perrie wouldn't notice. "Don't worry i'm not flirting with you or anything, it was just a compliment." She laughed. I nodded with my back still to her. 

               "So whatcha got in there?" 

               "Not much, just some clothes, cd's, pillows, etc." I say trying to avoid eye contact.

               "OH MY GOSH! Is that a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal?" she yelled.

               "Yeah" i sighed waiting for the rude comments.

               "It's so cute!" She said surprising me.

               "Really? I thought you were gonna make fun of it." I was really shocked, everyone else had made fun of me for it.


               "It's a childish i guess" 

               "Well I like it." Perrie walked over to me grabbing the stuffed mouse from my hands. She began going through my bag, I could tell she wasn't much for personal space. "Wow, that's a lot of Disney soundtracks!" she giggled.

               "Yeah, I'm a big Disney fan." I began folding my clothes and placing them in the vacant dresser drawers as Perrie went through my cd's.

               It was almost 40 minutes later and i had finally finished, I looked over at Perrie to see her listening to music, "Everyday, everyday, everyday!" she sang to herself while on her phone, I think she forgot that I was in the room. 

               "Perrie, Perrie... PERRIE!"

               "Sorry, i'll keep it down." she took her earbud out and then placing it back. I could tell she enjoyed singing, she was good so i wasn't complaining. I climbed onto my bed laying my back against the wall, glancing over to Perrie occasionally. Almost an hour went by and she didn't change what she was doing, it kind of turned into me just seeing how long she could sit there without moving. 

               It's been 3 hours, how?! How has she not moved!? I'm already moved in and unpacked completely and she hasn't stopped listening to music and doing whatever the hell she is doing on her phone. "Hey, what time is it Perrie?" I just wanted to try and knock her out of her trance.

               "3:47" She replied and then went back to her phone almost immediately.

               "Thanks..." I said mumbling still observing her. I eventually gave up, walking over to the bookshelf i was going to turn on the T.V. when i heard a knock on the door.

               "Hey, I forgot my jacket." Jesy said as i held the door open. "So how long has Perrie been sitting there?" she laughed as i grabbed her jacket from the doorknob.

               "Almost four hours!" I said with my eyes widening.

               "PERRIE!" Jesy shouted making me jump as well as Perrie. 

               "What!?" Perrie yelled setting her phone down.

               "Get the fuck off your phone!"

               "Alright jeez oh peetz!" She sat up from the small bed, rolling off the edge. I then closed the door saying goodbye to Jesy. Turning around Perrie was right in front of me, if i were to lean forward i would be kissing her.

               "Umm hi." I say feeling her breathing on me making my heart race.

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