13. Scarf

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               Walking into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and I saw a hickey on my neck. I began to panic, how could I explain this? I ran over to my dresser and grabbed a scarf, I quickly wrapped it around my neck. So was Pez trying to brand me now or something? After a bit of panicking I decided to walk over Leigh's dorm. I slowly knocked on the door, feeling like I was walking to my death sentence or something. 

               "Hey, haha! What's with the scarf?" Leigh laughed as she lead me into the room.


               "Jade, it's 84 degrees out. Why on earth are you wearing a giant ugly scarf?" She pressed.

               "You know what fine!" I pulled the scarf off aggressively. revealing the giant hickey on my neck.

               "Woah! It's bigger than Texas!" Jesy laughed walking out of the bathroom drying her soaking wet hair with a towel. 

               "Yeah! I know." I sighed sitting down on Leigh-anne's bed.

               "I thought you said she wasn't even gonna go near her?" Leigh asked looking at Jesy.

               "No, that's not what I said. I said Perrie said she was just going to ignore Jade!" Jesy yelled at her.

               "Wait, what are you two talking about."

               "Oh nothin." Leigh said putting her hands behind her back, looking more guilty than ever.

               "Leigh-anne shut up, she's not stupid. Pez said she was going to just ignore you from now on."

               "Well does this look like she is ignoring me!?" I said pointing to the big purple circle on my neck.

               "Well, umm how did THIS happen?" Leigh-anne asked trying really hard not to laugh.

               "I was just talking on the phone and she just came up behind me." I yelled widening my eyes. Leigh couldn't hold it any longer and just burst out laughing, while Jesy tried to hide her small chuckles by covering her mouth with her hand. "Guys! It's not funny, I'm scared to make a phone call now. What am I going to do with her?"

               "First off; you can't really DO anything with Perrie, she's fun like that, and you should just talk with her." Jesy said looking at me directly in the eyes. I playfully pushed Leigh over, who was STILL laughing. I threw my scarf back over my neck.

Perrie's POV

               I opened the dorm room door noticing Jade wasn't in the room. I heard talking coming from the room next door, I ran over and pressed my ear against the wall to listen.

               "Guy's seriously, how am I supposed to cover up this hickey? I don't want Perrie to know that she gave it to me." I heard Jade say and I instantly had a huge smile. My plan was working! I began wondering how long she was going to be over there though, so I put my head back against the wall.

               "Jade you're just gonna have to keep that scarf on for now." Leigh said in a sort sighing manner.

               "Fine, i'll see you guys later." Jade was now leaving their room, I could hear their door open and close.

Jade's POV

                I opened my room door to see Perrie facing her bed taking her shirt off, I swiftly turned the opposite direction and kind of just walked into the corner of the room for some reason.  With trying to avoid making it awkward I made it just look weird. "What are you doing?" Perrie asked rolling down the new shirt she just put on.

               "The umm wallpaper in here is very nice. Have you ever noticed?" I strangely said as I stroked the wall.

                "There are far more interesting things to do rather than look at wallpaper Jade." She gave me the cheekiest grin, smooth Pez Smooth. I just turned and walked over to my bed. "So what's with the scarf? Isn't it like 80 degrees out?"

               "Oh no reason." I replied being very obvious. This game Perrie was playing, she was clearly winning.

               "Can I try it on?"

               "Umm, no." I simply said trying not to make eye contact.

               "Okay." Perrie didn't look bothered at all, she was actually smiling at me a lot. Maybe she was done messing around with me now. "I'm gonna get in the shower." Perrie added walking past me. Nevermind, she knows the first thought that comes to mind when someone says shower. She grinned at me as she walked into the bathroom.

               "Okay, well i'll be out here." When I heard the bathroom door close I took the scarf off. Wait why did she change her shirt if she was just gonna get in the shower anyway? Yeah, she's not done messing with me. 

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