Scary story

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Okay here is the original story written by me Niya.(Wow I sound like bender)
~It has some blood and gore warning~

Jasmine was walking home from school like everyday. She is in her second year in collage and is use to being alone. She went to her apartment and heard her neighbors arguing like usual.

She went inside and did her normal daily routine until it was late at night.
She was up late working and an assignment until she heard the neighbors arguing again. It went on until like normal until she heard the man screaming for mercy.

Jasmine was confused at first until she heard a blood curdling scream then she realized she heard a murder. She started freaking out until she heard the women laugh and heard steps going from the neighbors to hers then it stopped infront if her door. She stayed quiet and and didn't dare to move.

Suddenly she heard banging in her door and a woman yelling"I KNOW YOUR I. THERE B!TCH!"

She got scared and ran into her room. When she was there she called the cops and heard the door break down. She heard something stomping to her room and she quickly hopped out the window and hide in her neighbors house since it was closer. When she went in she saw the most horrific thing.

Its was the women with her throat slight and multiple stabs wounds as bloods was dripping blood from the neck and the women was pale as snow as most of her blood was gone.

When she saw the man it was horriable. He looks like he was been tortured with the multiple stab wounds around his body.

Jasmine was about to vomits until she hear a physco laugh. She looked behind and saw the women .

The women was tall and had dark midnight skin(like me in summer). She a curly fro of hair that was a dark brown. She laughed like a maniac and slowly inched towards jasmine.

Jasmine tried to run away but she caught up and grabbed jasmine by her short hair. Jasmine cried and the women slid across her cheek and blood slid down and she leaned and whispers"Damagi." and plunged it into her cheast.

Jasmine cried and her vison faided in and out as she heard sirens and every thing went black.

Jasmine woke up connected to a many medical supplies and she was really tired. She sat up and she looked around. Suddenly she heard the same manic laugh and looked over at the door and the women was there.

"Damagi takes all." the women said and ran and attacked jasmine and lifted it over her head as she slamed the knife into jasmine skull

"Damagi." she whispers as jasmine died.

                ~THE END

Well I did that. It was bad i know but atleast I tried but I'm tired doing the well any way there is something scary pictures coining soon any way


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